The Anti-Rugby Football Thread

Everything here from concussion, potential drug use allegations, innuendo and some stupid rugby names on things

The 22-year-old only made his Leinster debut in April, but has quickly proven himself a natural scavenging back-rower.

Leinster’s stalwart tighthead Mike Ross admitted to being impressed by a work ethic that allowed Van der Flier to pack on the muscle in the summer.

“Near the end of last season, he took a bit of time off with a bad concussion,” said Ross.

"He just worked his arse off in the gym and became an absolute monster.

"During pre-season, I was looking at him and thinking ‘Oh my God’.

"And Josh was soon delivering on it. He works his absolute arse off in every game.

"He’s a good chop tackler, is a pest around the rucks and he picks a pretty good line.

"They call him Josh van der Chopper!

"He’s pretty quiet off the pitch. He wouldn’t be very chatty but he lets his action speak for him.

“It’s what you want to see in a young fella but as time goes on, you’d expect to see him open his mouth a bit more.”


What is a chop tackler?

Absolutely no idea mate

It’s when a defender throws himself at another player and ‘chops’ him down by wrapping his arms around the ball carriers legs mate.

It’s slightly more effective than smashing your head, temple first, into your opponents skull. That ones know as ‘the Sexton’.


That last paragraph is deeply creepy.


They aren’t even trying to hide the homosexuality anymore



I wonder has Brian Kennedy shagged him yet.

Bull queers take by force, its all they want or understand.

I wonder is that where jeffrey came from?

Rabbit O’Connor suffered a heart attack last weekend. :eek:

My thoughts are with @dancarter at this difficult time

A RUGBY player from New Zealand, who left a trainee accountant’s face scarred after a glass attack at a popular Dublin hotel bar, has been remanded on bail pending sentencing.

Tyron Davies (23), who has no fixed address in Ireland but is involved with a Kildare rugby club, pleaded guilty today to assault causing harm in connection with the attack at Dicey Reilly’s Bar in the Russell Court Hotel on Harcourt St on November 12 last.

Judge John Cheatle heard at Dublin District Court that the victim, a man in his mid-twenties, was left with three scars on his face which he feared could affect his career and require plastic surgery.

Davies, who plans to return to New Zealand in March, brought a letter of apology and €200 to court for the victim. Judge Cheatle adjourned sentencing saying he wanted to consider the matter.

Garda James McHugh told the court that when he arrived the victim was in an ambulance receiving treatment to lacerations to his face. The court heard he had been involved in an altercation in the pub during which words were exchanged with Davies who was not known to him.

Judge Cheatle heard Davies struck the man in the face and he was “holding a glass at the time, the glass broke on impact which caused lacerations on his face”. Davies also had a cut to his hand as a result of the glass breaking.

The court heard Davies had drink taken and was co-operative at all stages following his arrest. Gda McHugh said the 23-year-old made admissions when he was interviewed. He said the man did not realise the seriousness of it at the time and he expressed remorse.

Gda McHugh agreed with defence solicitor Alice O’Reilly that when Davies came to his senses he was very shaken by his behaviour and was extremely emotional about his actions.

The garda also agreed that this incident had a huge effect on Davies who came to Ireland to do voluntary work in a Kildare rugby club. The defence solicitor said her client lived off his savings and was struggling to make ends meet. He had no prior criminal convictions here and just a minor one in New Zealand for a road traffic offence

She furnished the court with a letter from his employer and she said there was also a letter of apology as well as €200 for the man he attacked as a token of his remorse.

Judge Cheatle noted from a victim impact statement that the Davies left the man with three visible scars to his face: on his nose, under his eye and one on his cheek.

The trainee accountant was informed by a plastic surgeon that he would have to wait six months to establish if the scars will heal naturally or require an operation.

The scars under his eye and the under on his nose were clearing however the mark on his cheek not as lessened as much. The court heard the trainee accountant feared they would affect his work and his scars would not be very appealing to clients or employers.

He also missed a couple of days of work as a result of the attack and agreed he will be taking a civil action.

A trainee accountant assaulted as well, as if @Bandage couldn’t be anymore incensed


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Someone throw up George North attempt at tapping the ball ahead of him before he scored the try tonight - carthorse :laughing:

west brits are seething


That ape from the Lovin Dublin FB page was having a full melt down last night too. :grin:

Stage Infinity.

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