The Anti-Rugby Football Thread

I think I have been unfairly implicated in Neil’s tall tale there.

Methink Frano is telling a fib there. He is right about the chances of Henshaw finding a few fellas to do the same in next years dressing room mind you.

Was there video of the incident btw?

Amazing speech from Mads, what passion;

He looks like a special needs student in that still.

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Big fat head on him.

He look like a Tommy Cooper impersonator

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He reminds me of Bottler. Sorry, a bottler.

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I can’t wait to hear Alan Quinlan and one of the Wallace brothers throw out the usual clichés on The Last Word later in advance of this MASSIVE weekend for Irish Rugby.

Alan will somehow manage to work an anecdote about himself into each part of analysis.

Rugby is finished.

Connacht getting excited about a 10,000 sell out crowd.

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At a dog track


You really seem excited alright, great to see such engagement.


they wouldn’t shit on this tournament last year, now soup taker cooper is cooing over it

That horrid prick McIlroy going to the show jumping arena tonight in the middle of the Oirish Open.

You’re better than Twitter pal, unreal updates

Here, Tim…did you ever have a sweaty fanny over your neck?

That Player Mic thing is hilarious. Reddan giving it the full D4 and the fucker is from down the road from me!

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Anyone listening to Morning Ireland there? Going on about the “All-Ireland final” in Edinburgh tomorrow. :smile:

One lad on from the Connacht Clan (that’s the name) supporters club with intrepid tales of fans flying into Manchester, Leeds and London before getting the train up.

Then a lad from the Leinster supporters club called Jared Bromley, a kiwi or Aussie chap.

Thank fuck rugby has been all but killed off in Limerick, the bandwagon has shifted down the road. My commiserations to @KinvarasPassion and @maroonandwhite - it’s a passing fad and hopefully the dog track will be back in its rightful place of being deserted again soon.


I think i might love u

@KinvarasPassion whats the band wagon like?


The oirish rugby fan wouldn’t piss on this shitty competition a few years ago

the indo sports is leading this ahead of the champions league FFS- talking about Connacht making history. isn’t this shitty tournament only 5 years old and only taken seriously in Ireland. The scots hate rugby, the welsh hate it, the Italians don’t take rugby seriously either.

Souptaker cooper is a cunt