The Anti-Rugby Football Thread

Who was the fat #14 for the Irish?

I think it was that God botherer Trimble.

Spain have ended our Rio hopes by knocking us out of the qualifying tournament. Must be a huge disappointment for the boys after a thrilling win over Sweden in the pre-qualifying tournament.

The fuckin wolfpups :joy: :joy: :joy:

Yeah, Romulus & Remus from D4 will not be going to Rio

Dressing room rule no. 1

Do your uptmost to never touch of a nearly naked teammate. If it happens by accident completely ignore it and swiftly go about your business like it never happened. Never ever embrace a nearly naked teammate in the dressing room

What about “made a nice bit of history” and smiles and celebratory post straight after losing a game and the series?

Thst’s why they’re losers.



Ah you get used to that here for a good time, heroic defeat attitude from the rugby lads

I’m no fan of Heaslip but tbf to the man he has never made any pretence of the fact that sport is not the be all and end all for him. Not one bit surprised by his comments

That’s fairly gutter journalism from the IT. He’s been in the papers before though that chap.

Unusual address for a Blackrock pupil?

And skin colour.


Plenty of Blackrock boys of all skin colours from all over Dublin.

This was another scholarship boy to Blackrock a few years ago

I think it’s actually unfair on the likes of the lad in this story (not the fella who murdered his mum), to have your school plastered across the Internet. Happens with GAA players as well with their clubs, not really relevant to the crime but makes it more salacious from newspaper and more likely to get in. I know there’s “crime reporters” who hang around local courts checking the roll to see where defendants live ect. Gutter journalism in my opinion.

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Suggests he’s been given an opportunity to get a top-class education and squandered it. Somewhat relevant I’d imagine, not that your general point doesn’t hold.