The Anti-Rugby Football Thread

I’m not sure I get your drift?

They take their Christianity seriously up there.

Another fat rugby footballer with a very high grade hamstring injury according to Six One sports news here. :laughing:

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Heard that.

A pic from schools rugby tiday. Another teenagers brain gone to mush

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Time for the DCYA to step in

Leinsters Hayden Triggs banned for a mere three weeks for eye gouging.

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Incorrect. Banned for contact with the eye area specifically noted that it was not for contact with the eye.
Rugby is so strict you don’t even need to gouge to be banned thelse days

Let me get this straight - he was banned for making contact with the eye area, but not contact with the eye?

Any word on suspected sex attacker Paddy Jackson’s case?

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Which one?

Sweep sweep


I’ll save @Tim_Riggins and @gilgamboa the trouble

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He was acquitted.

A point that was specifically made in the findings
Two distinct offences
If you’d read past the headline you’d have known that

Triggs is alleged to have made contact with the eye area of the Montpellier scrum-half, Nic White (No 9), in the 44th minute of the match in contravention of Law 10.4 (m)," a statement from European Professional Club Rugby read.

The low entry sanction for contact with the eye is 12 weeks, with the highest being 24 to 208 weeks. However, it was ruled that the infringement related to contact with the eye area rather than the eye itself, which resulted in a different sanction length.

The low enty sanction for eye area contact is four weeks, but Triggs had the ban shortened to three for a guilty plea and showing remorse.

I wouldn’t stoop to using a player, not to mind a person of school going age, being injured playing sport to score a point in an internet argument

I’m disappointed in that poster more than anything else he’s not normally like that

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Not point scoring Dan although I appreciate this thread is a bit of a spite fest and I’ve no idea whether that young fella was concussed or not.

The debate around parents letting thier kids play rugby seems to be popping up more and more in general lunchtime/water cooler conservations. While I don’t have kids (yet), I’m firmly in the camp of not letting them play considering all the other team sports on offer. I know peer pressure could come into play at a certain stage so the more parents saying no to rugby football can only be a positive in my mind.

I know you are a proper rugby person and you probably disagree but I’ve genuinely being turned off the game in the last 7 or 8 years. It’s nothing to do with the bandwagon element as every sport has that. Although the sanctimonious attitude of a lot of rugby folk and the women social climber rugby “fans” would make ya puke.

Overall it’s mainly to do bash fest of bulked up players that modern rugby has turned into. I’d have no interest in letting my kids becomimg a part of it


Fair enough.

Not just rugby btw. I live in kildare and house riding is massive. Again, I’d prefer my kids doing other things if possible but in the end of the day I won’t be a dick about it either if they really wanted to do whatever hobby.

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House riding??Wahey!!!

Would you not be afraid they’d fall off ? Or is it just bungalows they be riding ?