The Anti-Rugby Football Thread

Why wouldn’t you let them go horse riding? From a danger perspective? We always had ponies at home when we were young you’d be far more likely to get hurt playing gaa or soccer than horse riding.

I wouldn’t like the social circle around the whole pony club shite but I know a good few lads with teenagers who are involved and they would sing it’s praises.

Plenty people will panic at the thought of their kids playing rugby especially people who have never been involved in the game themselves. Haven’t seen it causing any drop off in underage numbers at my own club or anecdotally at other clubs either as yet.

I played pretty much everything up to age 21 and rugby for another 13 years after that. I never thought it was any more dangerous than anything else. Iv said it multiple times here over past while so not gonna repeat it but they are chipping away at the rules all the time to make it safer and will be a different game again in a few years.

There is very little violence in lower level rugby these days. And even less in underage stuff

I think it’s gone that way in everything now. You’d rarely see proper rows at any level these days.

That’s a pity. I used to love a right good row. Blow off a bit of steam.

Far less likely to knock across lads you fought with in a rugby match outside the local chipper at 2 am as well

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If I was over a team I think I’d do my best to engineer a row in an early season league or challenge game. By far the best way create a bond within a group (provided half the cunts don’t run off and hide).


@gilgamboa is an absolute saint to be dealing with the anti rugby on a daily basis. Never stoops to their piss poor level either.

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We would try anything as kids growing up in limerick citaaay

St Pats vs Caherline in the JA championship last year debunks that mate :smile:

And Ballysteen v Oola in the minor semi final this year. You’ll always have incidents , especially when certain clubs are involved, but in general it’s not half as bad as it used to be.

A lad I work with has 3 teenage sons. Protestant privately educated family for generations. He is a lovely guy - get on great with him for the most part.

Anyhow he and his son’s sports are rugby and horse riding. Last summer one son had a bad accident horse riding hence why I mentioned that. I hadn’t even thought about it until I met this guy. You are right though, bad injuries can happen in most sports. They just seem more drastic to me in some over others.

I don’t think any of his sons have had bad injuries playing rugby. He did mention his 14 year old has become completely obsessed with what food he is eating as the kid has aspirations for some rugby scholarship in the US and he needs to bulk up. What he described to me sounded like no fun and an unhealthy obsession with protein based foods. The scarey thing is that his Dad seemed proud of him. He is 14 ffs

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True…it isnt as prevalant as it was even 10 years ago…but the likes of Pallasgreen are never going to stop.

The senior and intermediate hurling club games are all played v fairly these days…Hatchet men are a dying breed.

He is in fairness. I wouldn’t bother my arse with it on here if I was him. Same way I simply ignore the anti GAA heads. Life is too short

Hence I’ll at least try give him a reasoned view on my opinions.

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I had a horse riding party for my kid. Before it started and as kids were being dropped off a gorl fell off her horse and an ambulance was called.

Its dangerous


So there was a horse outside, mate?

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I honestly believe that if a parent lets their kid play rugby they dont love their kid


Did you get a few bangs on the head at any stage?

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Maybe. But they might kick you to death outside a nightclub.


Ah yeah the potential is there to get a life changer alright but rare enough thank God. A fella in Charleville ran into his own keeper a few years back playing hurling and the misfortune wasn’t able to walk for a long time and I don’t know how much improved he is now even. Stuart mangan in the rugby etc just shit luck

I did but not playing rugby coz I was well coached as a young fella and I knew how to tackle. And I kept well out of the rucks

How’s the prowling going? Deliver any knocks to the head recently


Genuine question Dan, would you be 100% fully comfortable letting a 16 year child play rugby in its current form in comparison to GAA?


My wife wouldn’t tho

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