The Anti-Rugby Football Thread

No knocks to the head prowling dan. I banged my head of a press there the other day though.

Did you self administer a HIA

I was wearing a helmet, I was grand.



I played rugby and hurling until they gave me up.

I watch a lot of rugby and wouldnā€™t be thrilled about a son playing professional rugby. Stand on the sideline at one of those games. The hits are savage. The injuries are like some thing out of a car crash.

It is a great game underage.

And at junior level it ainā€™t that pretty but grand game to play because fellas are not massive for starters which leaves more room to play, and itā€™s not life or death serious either. Some of the most entertaining games you will see are in AIL. Far less collisions in the main and mostly young lads playing who want to run it

I wouldnā€™t be here if I wasnt being paid to be by the IRFU Phil. My stint over at was so successful I got a promotion to a proper hostile land


I see Trevor Brennanā€™a son Daniel will be playing for France Under 20s. I remember reading he was 19 stone at 14 years old. any proposals to stream kids by weight under age

He captained their u 18s I thinkā€¦ he is a big boyā€¦nah not enough numbers at club underage to do it

He is a giant. Younger brother is the same. Be great for the Brennanā€™s if makes it to a senior cap.

Even with him being in the underage set up over there, its odd that weā€™ve let this come to pass.

Brennan was always an outsider to the IRFU blazers

True that.

Professional rugby is like watching a Cockfight.
I like the fact that you can bring the kids and not expose them to an atmosphere of incipient violence, and constant wearying foul and abusive language on and off the pitch, as well as the fact that live at least, it is not as relentlessly tedious as soccer, but you do feel like youā€™re paying lads to hammer themselves into the ground.

It is all perspective and a matter of a opinion really. Your argument is one that regularly gets thrown out by rugby people who love to look down their nose at soccer (and sometimes GAA).

Itā€™s been close to 10 years since I last attended a rugby game but I nearly always found the constant stoppages for scrums and the not having a flippin clue of why the ref blew his whistle to be tedious. Due to this I concluded it was a better TV sport. It must be even worse now with all the TMO stoppages not to mind the breaks for injuries. Nowadays, I just couldnā€™t be arsed either way as the game isnā€™t what it used to be and Iā€™ve stopped caring who is smashing into who or who is fronting up and breaking the ā€œgain lineā€. Iā€™d personally get more enjoyment and more appreciation of the natural skills on show watching live hurling and soccer. I know everyone doesnā€™t share the same opinion but such is life.

On the bad language, I like many of this forum were brought up going to GAA and soccer matches. We heard bad language true - doesnā€™t mean we turned out any worse in life. My auld fella can roar with the best of them but like most good sports people, when the final whistle goes he moves on and will always share a chat about the game with anybody willing from either side.

I also donā€™t buy the holier than thou / upstanding citizen perception of all rugby people. Many maybe all charm and polite manners on many fronts but together in a group (as I witnessed before Christmas), they can be right cunts. I am not saying all GAA and soccer people are saints either but the point is there are good and bad in all walks of life.


Sounds deadly. I could have been 18 playing u12.


Youā€™ve nailed it there Phil in fairness.

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Iā€™d agree with you entirely on LOI soccer, Iā€™d have no.problem with that and would were I still in Galway go to all the hurling, most of the football, and a fair few Galway utd matches.
Itā€™s epl soccer Iā€™m talking about. The atmosphere and behaviour round the epl is just not something Iā€™d expose my kids to. Sale sharks are grand. Rugby league is the best by far.
I find LOI soccer far more entertaining live than on telly, and far better than some epl snooze fest.

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Edit, the average LOI game doesnā€™t involve riot police, armed gardai, batons and horses.
The average epl game in manc most certainly does, and the supporters seem resolutely pissed off and angry. There just isnā€™t a nice atmosphere at the big manc clubs.
Iā€™d go with the kids to Macclesfield or somesuch, but itā€™s too far and too much hassle.
I find gaelic games and rugby league better to watch by far.
The atmosphere at the dogtrack, and at sale, has always been relaxed and friendly, as it has at any rugby league game Iā€™ve ever attended.

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Outstanding post.

Only blemish is the omission of that prick Nigel Owens who is more of a celebrity than a rugby football ref these days. Tweeting after matches he officiated in to say how great it was and how both teams were heroic and showed everything that is great about rugby etc.

And openly making sneering comments about how this ā€œisnā€™t soccerā€ during matches when he knows full well itā€™ll be picked up by fawning click bait sites - soccer being the most popular game on the planet.