The Anti-Rugby Football Thread

all in here mate

people prefer individual sports for ease of access and not having to deal with crazy S&C coaches


The lads hiding behind the printers are easier on the individual sports as well. Possibly cause nobody gives a fuck either way.

I have no idea what this means

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Happy enough with that description. It’s the biggest niche on TFK at least, it generates so much bile anger and comedic moments.

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Are tag rugby numbers holding up? @TreatyStones ?

Exercising is the new socialising.

Jerry Kiernan will feel vindicated with those Running numbers versus Rugby.

There is 1 (one) project player in the 40 man 6N squad named today. That’s CJ Stander.

The sport never recovered after my departure

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Finally, we’ve seen the back of that Strauss ubercunt.

Why did you dislike him so much in particular again?

He filled a gap grand there for a few years when there was a bad need.

There was no other hooker in Ireland? Really? Fuck him, fuck Stander, fuck them all. Ireland for the Irish.

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What about the lads who consider themselves British?

Hi Luke

Miniature American flags for some

The cretins who felt all emotional that a south African could mime bits of the national anthem, having learned it on the plane over no doubt.
The whole thing makes my blood boil tbh.

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Good luck to him. Sure what harm is he doing? He was living here for three years before he played for Ireland so I’d be inclined to think he didn’t learn the anthem on the plane anyway.

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Did it make you feel more Irish watching him sing?
He can fuck off. He’s a mercenary who is here for the money and we don’t even need him.
It’s complete bullshit. I’m seething.

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he is a money grabbing devious south African prick

he is a quisling to south Africa & him singing the Irish Anthem is the most cynical vomit inducing act Ive seen in a long long time

Rogbee fans getting giddy about it is pathetic


I can’t recall anyone who was particularly hard done by? Maybe sean cronin but he has plenty caps. We broke a lot of hookers over past few years and he filled a gap until the current crop have started coming through.

Not a huge fan of the project process myself but as long as the other nations are availing of it we should too.

Non story anyways…one out of 40 in 6 nations squad

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You asked the question, not me.