The Anti-Rugby Football Thread

Marketing my friend

@dodgy_keeper is flat out liking posts here :grinning:

Was the motorway built over the summer it was I didnt notice? The fans are getting there somehow anyway

Hel give himself a hernia with banging the keyboard the silly fucking bastard

Youā€™ll like this btw, especially the props reaction at the death

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BTW. We were happy to let your beloved Limerick FC use the facilities when needed. I thought you would have acknowledged the step up from previous fabs at least


You let the use them for free, is it? you raped them more like as they were badly stuck.

No, the local Limerick bandwagon is back up and running goodo.

All aboard choooo chooooo

Donā€™t let the door hit your arse on the way out

I know the calibre of gee bag getting on board, mateā€¦ youā€™re welcome to the lot of em.


They rented it

Knowing they had no where else to go they extorted, mateā€¦ It nearly broke themā€¦ It didnā€™t help that hundreds refused to go to Thomond park and would have rathered they played above in Pike Rovers.

Odd that they want to be thanked for that

It was the money from Limerick FC that kept them afloat when their own fans turned their back on them. They should be thanking us.


Yes - I watched a number of Limerick FC games at TP that year. I saved Munster. @gilgamboa can thank me by PM if he doesnā€™t want to do it publically.

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The Limerick sports fan is a wonderful creature :clap:

What a cunt.

Yup - But my cash also saved Limerick FC - The greater good.