The Anti-Rugby Football Thread

christ re read it now 3x
fucking belter

Didnā€™t the baldy eyetie soccer ref got the knuckles rapped a decade or more ago doing a commercial for Opel . At the time Opel were sponsoring AC Milan .

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Post reported.

11 likes in under 25 mins- I hope you are very proud of that effort, mate.

Belter of a post :clap:

The best part is the detail. The knowledge of how the game was refereed which has been liked by some of the big rugby fans on the board like @ChocolateMice, @dodgy_keeper, @Nembo_Kid and @mikehunt.

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Gavin Cummiskey had an excellent article in the Irish Times on Saturday about how the Irish team and management blackguard these hapless referees into giving them a disproportionately high number of penalties.

In the 3 November Test Matches the Ireland XV got XLI penalties while the poor saps they were playing got a mere XI. Thatā€™s a L of a difference.


woh hoooooooooooo

Was there not 4 games?

The fourth game involved the 2nd XV who arenā€™t as good at this sort of thing yet.

Owens was getting four grand for a quick speech off the Irish corporates even during the brief celtic tiger snooze.
He must be making large sums of money which would quickly dry up were he perceived to be in any way shape or form against the goys.
As the Irish rugby crotch sniffers are as one eyed a bunch as youā€™ll ever see, owens would be jeopardising inordinate wedges of cash were he to Referee fairly.
@Bandage is spot on. I had this argument with an Irish rugby jock two weeks ago.


Does Owens only do speaking engagements in Ireland?


Owens actually referred Leinster on Saturday and his nephew was playing for the opposition. But his integrity is so undoubted both sides were happy to let it go.

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irish corporate culture laps this stuff up.
im not sure if in the UK the same type of carry on exists, uā€™d regularly hear of Scott Hastings , Joe Smith, Frankie Sheahan giving ā€œtalksā€ on leadership or something to a group of inoffensive snowflakes who like to wear the Leinster Munster top in on casual friday.
this type of culture was in its infancy with the Paddy Casey, Dont Feed The Goldolas crew of 2006 variety, it died down around 2009-2013 but has exploded now that the 2006 crew have now progressed to middle management and are mentoring the next generation of retards
what a horrible society we live in, and rugby football is the one constant in the equation


imagine if that happened in a junior B game in east corkā€¦

Iā€™d imagine something like that is difficult to avoid in East Cork.


You know the ref from Clarina who strongly resembles darts player Terry Jenkins?
His son was playing underage with another club a few years back as the locals did not field a football team.
His other son, who was sec of the board, appointed him to ref the final.
Unfortunately the side was weak and there was nothing he could have done for them to win the cup.

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I didnā€™t know who Terry Jenkins was, googled him and :joy:

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