The Anti-Rugby Football Thread

Ah Jesus.

That’s some post.

Couple of outstanding posts on this thread today.

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Gavin will tell you it’s absolutely crucial in international rugby football for the Irish captain to suck in enough oxygen to communicate with the referee. And that’s before his primary duties such as arrow entries, unflinching stances and brutal ruck cleaning are taken into consideration.


“Wexford is tighthead country”

There is a grain of truth in that statement.


Wexford is tighthead country, have we found the real reason for your hatred of Gavin?

Gavin is a friend of mine from my college days.

Reading the player ratings.

Did a “mate” of yours forward those onto you?


Not quite but same ballpark. A facebook “friend” linked to the ratings and commented on them in a status update.

Good to know you read through them anyway.

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“Good to know”.


I dread to think what abuse the man would get. Even if he were straight

@Bandage would have made a serious tight head if he had a small bit more cutting about him



Who was responsible for “a hardcore 59 minute shift”?

Did you manage to offload the tickets I sent you? Anything over 2grand a piece you can keep. Them lads in England are stone mad for them

So you’re displaying a large amount of enmity to someone who trained for your life but managed to get a job as a sports journalist? It’s lucky you’re not your mate in the career change thread. He’d be outright jealous.


Great article. So many experts in there that seem very trustworthy. One fella in particular…


Emnity? It’s gently chiding his rugby football hyperbole, pal. As stated, I know him from my college days. I didn’t do the same course as him. Glad to clear up your incorrect assumptions. :thumbsup: