The Anti-Rugby Football Thread

Coulson is ex St Michael’s college. Doubt the old school ties of much use with les gendarmes

Is he the son of a prominent plutocrat?

I am not aware

Nor am I

Have that

You fucking have some of it too

And you

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One thing we could all learn from Rugby is the respect they treat referees with

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He catches the pink no 2 a beauty as well…but if you keep watching the no 2 picks him up and gives him a right slamming into the deck

I liked how the pink number 2 saw the punch, took off and then almost immediately regretted confronting him, but was pot committed at that point.

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Nothing to be lost in assaulting a man who just assaulted the ref. Cunt should have been kicked to bits on the ground.

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Nothing to be gained in getting into a needless row with a man who has nothing to lose either.

Looks to me like the ref said something cuntish to him and got his just desserts. Respect is a two way street which I think is the bit rugby doesn’t get.

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“This is isn’t football mate”

Said in a voice like Gladys from Hi de Hi. It should drive most men to violence, in fairness.

Pity it wasn’t Nigel Owens on the receiving end there.


Lights gone out in the horseshed.

Guy Easterby shitting it right about now.

Result stands if they call it so matter a fuck. Ridiculous rule surely open to abuse

Thats a joke.

It’s well known that Asian betting syndicates make serious money from the Pro12.

So is Rugby football.[quote=“myboyblue, post:7530, topic:12546, full:true”]
Thats a joke.