The Anti-Rugby Football Thread

Is there same rule in football? That once past certain point the result stands…woukd have thought moreso weather conditions likely to cause match off though usually



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And these jokers want to host a “world” cup…

A world cup with two nations…gas cunts.

Could be worse and be like that time they shat their togs at Old Trafford when someone left a mobile phone around.


Yer man giving shit, but probably has no idea the lights went out at the largest sporting event in the world only a few short years ago.


Imagine being stuck beside this cunt for a season.


No point posting this up. @dancarter is not around.

They should have the exhaust pipe coming out of her mouth.


I think she’s an actress

I predict a crudely-drawn male member will appear in marker in close proximity to this lady’s mouth shortly.

I would hope so. Hate to think it was a real person.

I believe the actress is Munster red through and through, chief

Tremendous passion on show.

Nobody’s does morkeshing better than the rugby franchises, chief.

I believe Munster have sold out their Season Tickets already.

Lads bravely and faithfully filled in the direct debit forms.

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Foot soldiers, chief

Standing up and fighting.

Yes I imagine the brief was to crack the one demographic that has eluded them to date, ugly middle aged women with mouths like fishwives.