The Anti-Rugby Football Thread

Don’t be silly. They cracked into the GAA demographic with ease, chief.

Loads of them still available. Centre of the stands and all.

Fire up a link chief, I know a few looking.

They can’t be looking very hard. Did they try the Munster rugby website?


Not allowing them purchase through to the end. They wondered could you purchase them and they’ll fix up with you later, chief?

Done. Send me a pm and I’ll forward them on.

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Shane Stapleton had a right hop off rugby on off the ball last night. Only heard snippets of it but i thought he didn’t really articulate his points well so just came across as a roaster simpleton overall.

They need @Rocko on to talk about his brilliant “we need to talk about rugby” piece from a few years back

What was the general gist of his argument? Is he the lad who plays for Cuala?

Who is Shane Stapleton?

Brother of Paddy Stapleton that used to play for Tipp. Now plays for Cuala. GAA journalist

No idea of either sorry.

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Said how he knows nobody who plays the game despite living in Ballsbridge and spending a lot of time around Dalkey.
How certain games are more a social occasion for people over what happens on the pitch.
Reckons there are ever only 3-4 players that can actually play on every team. The rest just gym monkeys.
Some stuff about the media and the bullshit terminology that gets spun but I didn’t quite catch that part. He did say it’s the same in hurling and people going on about “intensity”.
It’s up on podcast now

Shane Simpleton


He lives in Ballsbridge and is not aware of Monkstown, Old Belvedere, Lansdowne, Railway Union, Bective, Old Wesley and Wanderers within 10 minutes walk of him either way?

Seems like a top notch journalist so with that inquisitive mind.


He’d fit in well around here by sound of it

Have no idea if he is aware of them or not. He simply made the point that he knows nobody that plays the game.

Chris Sutton destroyed rogbee today i see

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Which shows he must just hang out with his roaster pals from home who live up in Dublin. They being mostly primary school teachers and guys who tell their mothers they work in “finance” (back office excel jockeys for multinational banks) I would guess.

A bankrupt has been looking for attention