The Anti-Rugby Football Thread

Name themā€¦

There havenā€™t been too many decent hurlers from Cashel recently

Stays that way.

I know one lad that played a bit with Thurles, a lad that played with Rockwell when he went to school there and a few lads I went to college with back in the early 90s thatā€™s it really.

I went to munchins was a couple of years behind Anthony Foley they won the junior cup. You could see how good he was then

Refer to gilgamboas post above.

Apologies, this one.

The Red Army recently had to traverse Ireland. Itā€™s not surprising a few of them choose to save a few quid and stay at home

Incorrect, I just donā€™t hang out with cunts.

A tipp GAA fan who doesnā€™t hang around with cunts.

Find that hard to believe pal

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Are you implying that drinking with my good self is drinking with a cunt?

And weā€™re off.

Mingling with Cork, Clare and Limerick lads wouldnā€™t be classed as hanging around with, would it?

Of course not. But Iā€™d find it hard to believe he doesnā€™t hang around with some cunts based on the law of averages and my experience of tipp GAA fans.

Nice of the Aviva Stadium to open today for 400 poor souls to watch the Club Final.

Big crowd behind the camera

Theyā€™re very quiet but thatā€™s probably the Latte brigade on that side.

Like a Sigerson Cup game?

Yes Captain obvious

What game is on today?