The Anti-Rugby Football Thread

This is quite embarrassing for the RA and Scottish football clique.

Crikey, guys. If it’s tricky and expensive to get from Britain to Britain or France to Britain in 2017 (copyright Irish Independent) can you imagine how difficult and costly it was to get from Britain or Ireland to Italy in 1970? I venture that the higher attendance for the 1965 European Cup final in Milan was probably due to Inter Milan themselves being one of the finalists that year. Some scampish lack of context being provided by the forum’s barstool blueshirts here. :necktie: :tshirt:


When you’re explaining you’re losing pal.

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If both teams were a draw it would have sold out. Like Real Madrid did in Glasgow in 1960.

They didn’t.

Indeed in the prior year the Bernabéu was 25% full. Proving Ajax and Milan couldn’t draw.


Wouldn’t happen in the modern day, even Porto and Monaco sold out.

Not sure how games from 60 years ago are relevant to this discussion. When’s the last time a Champions League Final didn’t sell out?

“Modern day” lolz, cracking excuse when you’re caught out.

Rugby is professional just over 20 years. Like the UEFA competitions it takes time for things to develop, but even association football had half a century of professional play under their belt before a European competition was tried and it took decades to build it to what it is now.

If the famous Celtic were such a draw back then they would have packed them in in Milan.

That said, we all know Celtic’s attendances fall off a cliff without the Rangers there for some sectarian bile.

Crikey you can even see the Barcelona rip off banner

A domestic cup tie against a lower division side.

Why isn’t it relevant? Because you don’t like the facts?

Because it was a completely different time

Because it’s nearly 60 years old of a stat.

When was the last time the CL final didn’t sell out? Answer the question.

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Those are multiple games pictures mate.

Soccer is more popular than rugby shocker. :joy:

Whether it was an attractive fixture for the neutral is a separate discussion really and affected supporters really can’t be held accountable for whether a local wanted to go or not. Celtic actually had the biggest ever attendance in a UEFA organised match in the semi-final against Leeds in Glasgow in that very same year. So I dare say it was a factor of how tricky and expensive it was to get to Milan back then which resulted in a 53k final attendance which seems quite impressive to me when taking the era into account. Trying to use the Celtic run to the European Cup Final in 1970 as an example of low supporter numbers is absolutely mental. :laughing:

It is impossible to know because they don’t release the figures.

But for example last year they announced 71k in the San Siro for Real v Athletico. In 2001 the attendance for the final was 79k. Have they changed the way they measure these things? Possibly but we don’t know fully. Certainty the San Siro hasn’t changed that much since 2001.

As for the “modern day”, would that be like the 2010 and 2014 FIFA World Cup?

It’s time for Africa- to stay at home

First South American World Cup in 36 years- couldn’t be bothered.

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Domestic attendances in league and cup games are not a like for like comparison with trying to flog tickets for the blue riband event of European club rugby.

Are any of those World Cup games finals?

I’m not mate, I’m just pointing out some facts here and you seem a little bothered that the famous Glasgow Celtic couldn’t sell out a European Cup final.

I’ve a completely different viewpoint as outlined in my previous post. I think 53k was a really impressive attendance for the era.

I’ve given you plenty of European Cup finals that haven’t sold out, you just don’t like the answer.

Here’s another fun fact, the 2015 Rugby World Cup had a total of 2.478m spectators, an average of 51k per game. The 2016 European Championships, in the middle of Europe, had 2.427m in attendance, an average of 48k.

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