The Anti-Rugby Football Thread

The one posed last night

20k shy of full attendance ? Is that right @Tim_Riggins @gilgamboa - Or am I being fed porkies?

Was there 50k at the match? That’s a grand sized crowd.

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For a European final with a team from the host nation playing?

Wasn’t it on in Jockland?
50k is a huge crowd for a minority sport in a neutral venue, this is a stupid argument.

It was in Britain

Played by a British team and a team with the best support in Europe.

When you factor in the dumb cunts from Munster and Leinster who bought tickets on spec it’s probably not.

Why didn’t they have it in a smaller ground with a 45k capacity and then they’d have the spin of a severe shortage of tickets and the growing popularity of rugby.

cc @Tim_Riggins @gilgamboa @GeoffreyBoycott

@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy is feeding you porkies mate. 67,800 is the capacity of Murrayfield. The attendance was 55,272.

Factually incorrect.

If all the tickets are sold then it’s sold out. You seem to be saying finals are not sold out when all the tickets are sold - odd. Do you even know what you’re arguing?

I gave you a list already of finals not sold out.

1956 final
1961 final
1963 final
1966 final
1969 final
1970 final
1971 final

Plenty more as we go into the 70s and 80s

Odd you can’t answer my question

And none of them are in recent years.

Nembo admitting defeat.

I’ve requested you to stick to recent years as it’s a more reliable measure.

Budget airlines have made travel much more accesible to football fans in the past 20 odd years. There would never be a problem for UEFA to sell out the ticket allocation for a European football final now. There would never be the farce where they are trying to flog tickets to the premier club football game in Europe with a few days left.

Nah mate, you said my statement was factually incorrect. You want to stick to recent years but let’s look at the whole picture.

I have no problem looking at recent years, I asked you some questions on last years attendance and you haven’t been able to answer them. That’s fine, don’t answer, but don’t claim factual inaccuracies when there aren’t any.

Fact, numerous European Cup finals have failed to sell out.

Not in recent years.

You admit you were wrong?

Answer the question

Can somebody compile the questions that are unanswered, this is a very boring debate.