The Anti-Rugby Football Thread


His contact obviously didn’t tell him that the rugby club wouldn’t be in a location that would lend itself to unsavoury types just walking in off the street.

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That must be why @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy had no idea there was a rugby club in Malahide.

It’s practically in Swords mate

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An elbow injury? They must take the public for utter fools.

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When their brains are mush they can’t tell their arse from their elbow.


Do you think he has committed a fraud here @Fagan_ODowd? No doubt his insurance will have paid out compensation on the basis of his two years lost earnings.

I have it now, I suppose it would be very embarrassing to admit that an arse injury ended your career.

They even had an off the ball rubby special Thursday last week. The thick micks thought their teams would be in the Heino final so they imagined an “up for the match” type thing.

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I’ve no idea what his arrangements are with his insurers. All I know is that I was in the Stade de France just over a year ago when he got a sickening dunt to the head, was stretchered off and barely played a minutes rugby since, but we are expected to believe that an elbow injury finished his career.

I wouldn’t be massively up to speed with the players down the depth chart with Leinster this season but a very quick look at their website suggests that he did play more than a minutes rugby. In fact he started 8 games and came off the bench 4 more times

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Leinster reference McCarthys back op and elbow injury early April. All part of the long con I suppose.

That’s a clamping. I’m pretty sure it’s not the first time that’s been pointed on on here either?

Don’t recall, so much fake rugby news on here it’s hard to keep up. It’s when they start impugning players reputations and making claims of fraud against the IRFU the player and the doctors that I just feel it can’t be left go

If the IRFU were pissed off before, they’ll be seething about this one.

Its a fairly substantial allegation alright

Keep sweeping.

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Any comment on the clamping and significant misinformation you provided about the player 'barely playing a minutes rugby since you saw him getting injured in 2016?

You’ve had it in for poor Mike from the start.

Yes. Rugby is a patently unsafe game. It has left him in an even worse condition than it should have. On top of the brain injury the game inflicted on this chap the game has now left him permanently physically disabled. if you think that entitles to an internet point, by all means have it. My failure to follow the sport closely left me assuming he would be allowed retire after Paris but no he was flogged into further disability like Boxer in Animal Farm. Apologies. You win.