The Anti-Rugby Football Thread

RIP Boxer.


@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy certainly does know the rugby club in Malahide. It’s over his back wall Ffs sake.

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So you have no comment to make about your false statement that he was unable to play ‘barely a minute’ of rugby since he got the headknock, which was just untrue. Fair enough.

If he was that badly injured why didn’t he retire and claim his insurance at that point? Retiring as an international would have been a strong card to play in negotiating ones insurance payout I’d have thought.

There is only one person trying to score internet point off the unfortunate retirement of McCarthy and it sure as shit ain’t me

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I have commented in full. I’ve even apologised. What’s your problem?


:rollseyes: yourself

My house overlooks the Castle mate


It says enough about rugby that the lads are claiming it as a victory when a player doesn’t retire because of brain damage.


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In his haste and hysteria to get one up and “clamp” me, all @gilgamboa managed to do was to produce evidence that rugby is even more unsafe than I had thought.

Why because a 35 year old had to retire? A grand age and a fine innings

Yes with a brain injury and a permanent disability. A fine innings indeed.

More lies you can’t help yourself. Have a nice day

I dont recall him being an indentured slave. Like them all, he knows the risks. Rightly or wrongly. I wouldn’t want to be part of it, but I presume he had free will.

Tell us about your various ailments again?

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Italian Rugby - RIP



they have fucked them out of the European cup

its gone from 4 countries to 3 countries now

Go way? For real?