The Anti-Rugby Football Thread

Ah just a big man abusing a dead man. Classy out really.

What difference does it make if someone is dead or alive? A cunt is a cunt and I doubt heā€™d be reading this forum in either realm

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It doesnā€™t matter, but that titbit has gotten as boring as fuck, heā€™s like an old woman with a bit of gossip, we fucking have it now, but a mans life doesnā€™t boil down to one thing that nobody else knows the details of, if itā€™s true itā€™s hard to understand but those who knew him best were able to look beyond it and theyā€™re not all rugby people, it takes a real cunt to keep dragging it up every time his name is mentioned here.


Thatā€™s lovelyā€¦really, it isā€¦but when was anyone on this forum ever judged with balance?


Itā€™s boring mate, every fucking time, boring.
Meanwhile the GAA crowd cry about the speculation on Hannonā€™s injury, also pathetic but thereā€™s a touch of one armed waiterism.

It was an excellent try alright, barbarians esque !

Iā€™ve warned you beforeā€¦

Its fairly disgusting

Nobody gives a fuck about the GGA in Limerick you lunatic. They played a home semi final in the stick hurling there a couple of weeks back and ground was deserted.


Sorry pal, Iā€™ve edited my postā€¦

Telling that they waited til the man was dead before they started peddling this tale as well. Iā€™ve a man lined up to raise it in general discussion with @ChocolateMice. Interesting to see if he will stand his ground

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Iā€™m not the one peddling it and I couldnā€™t give a fuckā€¦but plenty lads here can have a pop off someone when heā€™s dead but scream outrage when another dead person is attacked. You canā€™t have it both ways.

Iā€™ve just read that againā€¦ Youā€™ve gone and got a hammer to hammer the hammer? Even tho this hammer hasnā€™t attacked ruby union football in monthsā€¦hammer away.

Itā€™s very handy that we can make a direct comparison Limerickā€™s home league semi-final in hurling and Munsterā€™s home league semi-final in rugby.

This helpfully enables us to determine which sport is more popular in Limerick.

The attendances were:

Hurling: 9,563
Rugby: 18,332

So rugby is twice as popular as hurling in Limerick.


Thereā€™s something a bit more nasty about the attacks on Foley and it started hours after his death, he left behind two young lads and it is not beyond the realms of possibility that they could read this tripe some day.

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Youā€™re dealing with pond life here, why are you even trying to reason with someone who is so full of hate and bitterness like @ChocolateMice?

its pure redneck shit, pure ā€œlets get at the rugby ladsā€ anyway they can, fucking gga muldoons

Bit sad that Iā€™ve to point this out, but Munster is a province with support from 6 countiesā€¦ Divide your 18k by 6 and youā€™ll get your true Limerick total.


Did I make the comments? The same lads here crying about Antnee were able to give it socks when an ex Celtic player diedā€¦thatā€™s my point, you wankerā€¦I couldnā€™t give a fuck about the rest of it.

There was no away support at the rugby, mate, it was all home support. Whereas the bulk of the crowd at the hurling was made up of the away support from Galway, a county which is notorious for its poor support. But on this occasion they were in the majority.

So when you drill down into the figures, theyā€™re even worse for Limerick hurling.