The Anti-Rugby Football Thread

Or an AFL player coming back to play bogball for a year and winning an All Ireland and an All Star


Is that the former Kerry Minor and U21 you’re talking about?

How is it almost the same, mate? - They are looking to go to a professional sport and not swapping one amateur game for another to get a bit of attention - and none of these boggers walk into the first team having never played the game. I’m pretty sure they spend a lot of time with reserves and training every day… The girl in question here played for Ireland before she even played for a club :rofl: - She admitted she changed for the attention.

You’d want your head examined to play Ladies Football or Camogie, the worst run organisations in the country. Why wouldn’t you try your hand at something with a bit more exposure? Yer wan had already banged about at the other sports. Stop trying to put people into your own little boxes mate.

I won’t.

Women’s rugby football is bigger than stick ball and lads here are seething.

Yes, a lot of the women playing rugby are much bigger alright.

How do the TV ratings stack up Timothy?

They’re not out yet. Will have to be collated worldwide as this is a global sporting event versus stickball’s 6 county fare.


Mick the Muldoon seething because hannah down the road has the temerity to go away playing international sport.

Shure she might end up like a wan from the city johnny if wer not careful :joy:

how dare they, how dare they try and improve their fitness and well being, they should have some nerve



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Stay home and breed is all the ambition some of the lads here would have for irish women. Its actually a bit disgusting

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Sure mary should stay home to go up to clones in the rain for a game of ladies football. Why would she want to play for the irish sevens :joy::joy:

You makes me laugh mouse you do kid

Half of the Muldoons on here are googling the names of women players at the world cup so they can stick up pictures of them on here. They even have their own dedicated thread to showcase their weirdness.

Then these oddballs tell you that the sport is irrelevant.

You couldn’t make it up.


They are gas men really. Gas altogether.

You’re missing the point, mate — they were all only playing tag a month ago ffs.

Absolutely nothing sinister about these guys at all.

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Am I? Tis you were pissing and moaning and wailing earlier about some lassie deserting ladies football for rugby for “the attention”


Yes, she went playing tag for attention, she admitted it herself - you’re the one calling tag an international sport - It’s a joke, pal - let’s just call it what it is - these ladies are free to do what they want but let’s not get carried away here - she jumped ship to play tag to get a higher profile and probably to meet women on an international scale.