The Anti-Rugby Football Thread

Why? Do you think the judge was lying when she said he had been advised to attend court? I havent seen any suggestion of that

Best looked at situation and declined to be a character witness with full sight of facts.

How do you know he declined?

Wonder what the exact reasoning or wording for ditching them is. “Misconduct” is vague and open ended. Sending a few inappropriate texts would hardly constitute gross misconduct…? I think they are utter cunts but at the same time that shouldn’t be the criteria for allowing someone to make a living - the workforce across the island would be decimated if so.

Looks like the twitter mob have won out. Sponsors Bank of Ireland issuing that statement put the final nail in the coffin.

What a way to fuck up your career all the same.

He is on the record as saying he attended court under instruction because he was asked to gice a character reference. He didnt give a character reference. There is an assumption in the middle. I cant imagine any other reason why he didnt.

Id say they have been leveraged out of contracts in a mutually acceptable way. There is no chance the two boys were going to take an employment case here and keep the story in the news for another 6 months whilst they continued to twiddle their thumbs and waste more of career.

Both of their contracts are up at end of next season anyway so they would have been fighting their employer for 12 months work. Makes no sense apart from fighting the principle of it.

Iv no sympathy for either of them. There is a long trail of sportsmen getting themselves into this type of trouble. Even in a situation where it is 100% consensual at the time it is extremely risky situation to get into. Im absolutely certain these squads get have gotten plenty warnings and education about what situations to avoid

I thought it was fairly obvious that the Ireland captain striding in would only have given credence and sympathy to the notion of the complainant going up against ulster rugby.
I’d say having best attend was a shrewd move by the defence, it allowed them to test the water and gauge the reaction. Even if that wasn’t their intention the notmycaptain business would have made them think twice.

Do you reckon there’s any chance they’ll be back in a few years?

Go off to France or England for a couple of years, keep their nose clean, perform well on the pitch, let this all die down and quietly sign them back at some stage down the line…?

They’ll surely just get the last year of their contract paid up. Were they paid from the time they were charged last year?

Quite possibly. Without the international carrot though they will get paid more elsewhere so not sure how attractive it would be for them

No idea but I assume so.

Still young enough to have decent careers and make a few quid for themselves before finishing up but they really fucked up their lives and career over that night. Just complete idiots.

A warning to other young lads with a bit of relative fame, a profile and money as to how not to behave.

Sure these lads would have seen this warning too with ched evans and the like. Still didnt heed it after a few drinks.

Jackson is a top class player and woukd be a good addition to 99% of club sides in the world.

Olding is injury prone and has stop start career so far. But is a very good player too.

They will be fine Im sure


This will fuck with the pro rape boys heads

Very high profile gig in UCD back in the day and would’ve coached numerous Irish internationals including BOD.

Social media has decided he’s guilty but the cops appear to have dropped the ball.

If this is true I’ll have to ditch rogbee as a sport


Ah don’t say that mate. We’ve only just got you on board.

Munster have broken his heart.

John McClean?

Bet he feels tonight like he has fallen off the Nakatomi building.

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