The Anti-Rugby Football Thread

A couple of NZ rugby internationals caught snorting coke recently

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@GeoffreyBoycott, @Tim_Riggins, @mikehunt - when did Bective and everyone involved in Donnybrook stadium sell their soul?


Welcome to Energia Park, the home of Electric Rugby

The corporate game. Hardly a surprise.

Who gives a fuck?

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country bumpkins

I just turned down a private jet to Bilbao to watch the rugby and the Eurovision to stay in Ireland and watch it with a pal of mine who is dying*

*emigrating to Germany

I am telling you cunts so I don’t mention it on Saturday.

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You mug

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Where was your outrage when volunteer organisation Wexford GAA sold out to Innovate???



I thought that name was due to it being an incredible modern day stadium, like something from the future in fact??

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The clue is in the word volunteer mate

No it isnt


This is unfortunate.

From the Indo.

Six Leinster fans have been denied a dream trip to watch their team in the Champions Cup final in Bilbao after being forced to give up their seats on an oversold Aer Lingus flight.

The Aer Lingus flight to the Spanish city was due to take off at 7.10am this morning and was jam packed with Leinster fans travelling to watch their team bid to secure a fourth European title against Racing 92.

But it soon became apparent that there was an issue with the airline and it was announced that six people needed to give up their seats before the flight could take off.

An initial offer of €250 was made for anyone who wished to volunteer to take a later flight which would arrive in Bilbao at 8.15pm - over three hours after the Champions Cup is due to start.

The offer was eventually raised to €400 and while two people accepted, four were picked at random and left behind.

“How on earth can they oversell a flight to a European Cup final?” one fan told

“I couldn’t look the fans that were left behind in the eye, it was devastating. At least one of them was a season ticket holder and this was a dream trip.”

Aer Lingus were unavailable for comment when contacted by

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Massive coup for the local rugby club in Bilbao to be bringing a European Cup final to their stadium in fairness


If they were munster fans they’d have found a way, to the brave and faithful etc etc

Billy Keane might surmise they’d have snuck back on concealed in one of Big Mick from Knocknagoshel’s carry on bags.

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Couldn’t be too hard to get a flight at that notice. Plenty of routes into Spain and France where you can connect up from.

€400 is a bit of a joke of compensation though.

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