The ask Bandage about mortgages thread

Good advice.

Reach itā€™s potential?

For a new build (knocking it down and meeting all the planning and bank requirements) @gman will probably verify this you are looking at 300-400k to get it to builders finish most likely.

So thatā€™s out of the question.

The outside walls are fine apparently, engineer said drywalling should do the job on that so really it will just come down to that and a small extensions around the back but the whole place needs rewiring, a central heating system installed, new roof, internal walls, plumbed and new doors and windows etc.

Iā€™d be hoping I can get that much done for 100k but maybe Iā€™m being naive. Weā€™ll see

Youā€™ll get fuck all done for 100k south of the border.

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Donā€™t need lads from south of the border.

And it should not be a huge job to get it to builders finish Iā€™d suspect.

Youā€™ll get far more bang for your buck with northern builders and materials. We were looking to get a renovation. Nothing major. No extension. Just a face lift. We scoffed at the cost and our budget was north of 150k.

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What did the facelift involved?

Iā€™ve a cousin who Iā€™ll probably be getting to do the bulk of the work but he reckons 100k is doable for what Iā€™m thinking off pending what the architect comes back with.

Iā€™m confident enough of managing the cost of the project, I was just curious as to whether the banks would have a load of extra requirements on what has to be done in order to get the funding.

Iā€™ll send you a PM. I did reasonably large renovation job a few years back, granted everything is probably gone up 20% minimum since then.

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Have you already bought the property for cash?

Yes. It was <50k for the property itself.

By reaching the potential ( you said youā€™d hopefully sell on again at some stage ) I mean do it to a standard where you see a return of your investment.

You will have to give it a modern twist to get a good price for it down the road was my point.

Could you not locate a turn key older house for example at similar money to what youā€™ll likely have to invest in this new property-site?

Is the building on an acre for example?

Iā€™ve a relation in this line of work, with your permission I can talk to him about your situation and get his advice

Heā€™ll probably look to price out your cousin

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Knocking, applying for planning and meeting the building standards for such is around 300k minimum Iā€™d imagine before you even furnish the house or complete the groundworks outside of the house. I donā€™t know if anyone on here has built a new house in the past two years but Iā€™d say 300-400k is the standard figure. Thatā€™s not within many sole personā€™s remit on a mortgage.

If you have a look at the minute a mud hut is generally going for 200k. I got fortunate with this purchase or so Iā€™ve been told.

Why would you have to give a good twist to get money down the road for it? Are you aware what the housing market is like at present.

You actually donā€™t seem to have a notion what youā€™re on about. Go look at the housing market.

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If you werenā€™t in a rush Iā€™d sit on it for two years. Materials and labour are gone mental. Itā€™s not sustainable right now.


Itā€™s near impossible get a subby by all accounts

I had not planned on starting anything really until early next year but Iā€™d be eager to have plans drawn up and funding in place at that point, however long the actual build takes Iā€™d be more relaxed on. Thereā€™s a good bit of demolition/dismantling/tidying work on the house/site I can get done myself

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Material pieces ā€¦ Mental.
Electrical cable up 50% since November
Timber ā€¦ take your pick on between +100% to +200%
Concrete - on the day pricing
Plastics ā€¦ Up 20-25%

The QS are very busy on large jobs


Design the build around the kitchen island and the Bob Radcliffe display stand and you canā€™t go wrong.


Why are you spectacularly missing or dodging my point?

Iā€™m not missing or dodging anything. Iā€™m just pointing out you havenā€™t the first clue on what you are talking about.

Iā€™ve pointed out Iā€™m not in a position to fund a 300-400k minimum new build. Are you too stupid to get that?

You also seem to have no appreciation of what the most basic bog standard 30-40 year old house is going for at present.

Thereā€™s a reason Iā€™m pursuing this option as 200k in the current market will buy you a ball of shit of a house that would need serious investment to bring up to to modern energy and living standards.

I donā€™t want to fork out 200k plus to walk about a cold, miserable house with pine fucking wood interior decked from top to bottom.


There you go againā€¦.

Iā€™m not talking about a rebuild from scratch, read slowly.

You keep saying you want to do up the existing house on the cheap. But in doing so you may not see a return on your overall spend is my point.

If you do spend ā‚¬150k on the house including the initial spend ( which sounds modest budget wise ) itā€™s going to be hard to attract a good selling on price if the market turns. ( Hopefully it doesnā€™t and you do well out of this as it sounds like you got a good deal )

As @Ambrose_McNulty has said, it might just be the most sensible option to just sit on the site until the market cools a bit as regards materials & labour rates.