The ask Bandage about mortgages thread

You reckon it’ll settle down? You’re the second person said they’d hold off building for a bit.

Affordable housing is a pipe dream in this country if it doesn’t.

What the fuck would you know though?

Nothing and that’s why you’re the only idiot here arguing those nonsense lines with the usual vagaries of the village idiot.

If a 1980s house with a D energy rating and pine wood interior throughout is hitting 200k then I don’t think I’ll have to worry about my investment.

Beaten docket, bye now……

Out of your depth again donkey brains.

Tap tap tap……tap tap tap.

Ewan like behaviour you Weirdo. :grinning:

Ah it will. One of the main problems at the moment is shipping. It was costing 2k to ship a container from Asia to Europe but it’s now 9k. That will settle down again.

Just leave this thread alone. You contributions are nothing but the most idiotic inanity anyone can find on this forum.

Best of luck with the mud-hut.

Your postings for the last 8 years are clearly those of someone with something on their mind

Taking the Internet too seriously is a serious issue you seem to suffer from.

Coming from the man who threatened to box me irl


My point proven….

The only interaction offline I have with lads on here is to lend a helping hand where I can.


that sounds serious.

Are you only a dickhead behind the printer so?

You just had a go at a fellas mental health because he didn’t want whatever advice you were forcing on him.


@EstebanSexface and @maroonandwhite think people access the internet through a printer, which they then sit behind

Sure what would you expect from a pig but a grunt

There you go again, off to the toilet before you wet those knickers.

Flattered and honoured to have @EstebanSexface fighting my corner.

Any solicitor would advise that you need good title to purchase a property and extensions that would or should have been subject to planning would form part of that even though once built over seven years it wouldn’t be subject to enforcement by the local authority. Cash buyer could ignore that but could be required to apply for retention if needing to sell it on.