The ask Bandage about mortgages thread

If prices keep going up people are goin to have to seriously consider waiting a year or 2 to build.

Fair play to the Chinese, they’ve given us some riding over the past 18 months and it continues.


A Groundworks man I know tells me he can’t get enough ducting to do jobs he has currently priced, plus if he can obtain it the initial Quote is fucked now.

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Dept of Agri sitting on licences… What’s their motive here? Pure incompetence or something deeper?

The extension to the Centra in Clarina is at a standstill @TreatyStones because they can’t get the steel.

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Sure they owe millions in fines to the EU as it is.Irish timber is shite anyways, it’s only good for pulping.

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Is the arse going to fall out of it all again?

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People are seriously considering stalling their houses atm cause of the price of materials and I don’t blame them.

Horrid horrid cunt of a man.

If it cost him €100 for each objection the bollocks would learn some manners.

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Rewild the garden, don’t landscape it

That will save you lots and you will be an eco hero do solar panels with no upfront costs


Recycled plastic houses made with 3D printers.

All jokes aside, all the plastic we wash out and put in recycling bins. Where the fuck in this country is it being processed and being put back into use?

I see a Local Playground is closed at the moment because it’s soft floor area has torn. I believe the floor was manufactured with recycled tyres and now because the underlay is exposed it’s not deemed safe for kids.

Can we not take a positive from Covid and try and become self sufficient as opposed to filling China’s pockets on overpriced poorly manufactured shite?

Have a word please.

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How many objections has he to date? Sitting above in Wicklow sipping Lattes the prick.

The UK exported over 600000 tonnes of plastic to Malaysia last year.

Last time I heard, less than than 10% of plastic is recycled… Small percentage incinerated and the vast majority ends up in landfill.

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It’s an international disgrace.

If that’s true we should be incinerating it ourselves to at least provide energy. More likely a lot of it is dumped in the ocean.

People say that if only recyclable packaging was mandatory then costs would sky rocket for the consumer. Like fuck it should, these companies are coining the fuck out of us as it is.

I actually can’t believe the Greens in any democratic country aren’t making moves on this issue. Young people would buy into it.

They’ll scream about culling cattle who graze our best carbon trap though.

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We got two more notifications today from suppliers of price increases for 1st September. Goodness knows when the supply chain will be sorted out

I had received a Jan 2022 price-list for stock as far back as April. :nauseated_face:

I reckon you can send that one to the delete bin.