The ask Bandage about mortgages thread


Are they going ahead with take away unit etc?
Is Pat McDonagh going putting in a service station at the old concrete yard at the Dock Road?

Where is that?

Yes and yes

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Remember it used to be there right on the Dock Road roundabout? There’s still a lay-by there.
Opposite the entrance to Chernobyl

Chernobyl = the cement plant I guess.

I have you now. That was a sand and gravel yard as I recall.

Mr binnan is going to build a depot on the left going in where they currently have losse storage

Would you hold off building in the expectation prices will appreciably reduce?

I had that conversation earlier this morning with a rep. He said prices are going up and are not surcharges. The supply issues will last at least a year with significant problems getting goods from china. Steel, copper and timber may come back over the m eium term as there are other factors at play with those in terms of politics, tariffs and mining.

So what do you reckon?

Don’t rush in

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Concrete/block prices etc shouldn’t be influenced by China though?

Lads are charging €1.60 + vat these days to lay them.


Anyone use Avant Money as yet be it for mortgage or personal loans?

Good for them. Nawful shop

I was chatting to a broker last week and he was saying the usual about having the bank account clean for 6 months of bookies. Which I was aware of but he also said some banks are also looking at xbox live points being bought (makes sense seeing how kids are buying to won fifa etc) but also they are looking at transactions in pubs and off liecences? Is this true? Few pints over Christmas (2 nights tbh) and a night out in Nov. That’s excessive if ypu ask me but they looking as people are tapping cards.

Is there anything else like online shopping etc? Not like I’m raking up debts spending within my means and saving whatever I can.

Anyone dealing with a broker is, just like their broker, a simpleton.


Big Data after sneaking up on you while you were looking at Big Pharma


thinly veiled “will my partner see how much i paid to only fans”


Three replies labelling you a simpleton, a conspiracy theorist and a pervert. :clap::clap: TFK at its best.


Basterds will see I spend all my time wearing a tin foil hat