The ask Bandage about mortgages thread

Deary me

Or how much I get for showing off my gash. Itā€™ll be on the statements if I did so Iā€™m in the clear as Iā€™m not a weirdo

:hushed: :astonished:

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Its the pub thing really. Not like Iā€™m out 3 or 4 nights a week. Once a month at most

Wtf are you on about then?

donā€™t do it, you will have no spare time and therefore will be unable to post here.

we would really miss you

Youā€™ll be grand lad. As long as you have the money coming into to pay the mortgage none of the rest of it matters

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I[quote=ā€œArthur, post:680, topic:23128, full:trueā€]
Three replies labelling you a simpleton, a conspiracy theorist and a pervert. :clap::clap: TFK at its best.

I absolutely abhor him being called a simpleton and conspiracy theorist.

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He was saying banks are looking for pubs coming up on statements and they need to be clean for 6 months also. You can take cash out and go etc but its a bit excessive questioning why someone used their card in a pub ffs.

Tell him go shit in his hat.

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Iā€™ve never heard of that before, do you need a broker? Are you going for a mortage with some crowd that will only deal with brokers?

Is your mate a simpleton too?

Thatā€™s the way I see it. The betting thing is obvious but going deep into what people are spending is much if they can display the ability to meet the monthly repayments, have a stable job and spending habits

You couldnā€™t keep down a stable job drinking 7 nights a week these days. Cop on

It was new to me, heā€™s a broker by trade and was only chatting about it. Will be looking around in a few months but need the ground work done at least to know what I will be dealing with

what a shrewd lender looks for is cash withdrawals either side of a pub charge.


Some fellas can, paddy has a problem. Once a month is more than enough for me so doesnā€™t bother me. Just that this is a new one

It wonā€™t make a blind bit of difference once you have enough money in your account.

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Is it giving you a headache?

I have a mortgage got within the past couple of years and I can tell you this is all a load of bollocks. I had plenty of money going out of my account to the devil Paddy Power and they didnā€™t give a fuck. Itā€™s an old wives tale. Never fucking mind the pubs. The boys are also right that you donā€™t need a broker. Ask who has the best 4 year interest rate and then go talk to that bank, or if thereā€™s very little in it just go talk to your own bank because things will be much easier with your own bank. You want to arrange a meeting with the bank manager yourself and try to develop a relationship with him. Try to weigh him up for if heā€™s a sounder who will try to help you.

You might not be a simpleton but your broker is. They are either a parasite, or more likely an excellent practical joker.

What you need to show is that your rent + savings every month = your projected monthly mortgage repayments plus a bit more. They look back 6 months AFAIK. Job security a plus. Thatā€™s it. A decent move is to open a savings account and start throwing a few hundred into it every month, not because you need it but just to show that you can.

Also, this is the time of year to talk to your bank manager.