The ask Bandage about mortgages thread

Iā€™ve most of that basis covered, just wanted to know if it was a load of shit. The PP crack was only ā‚¬15 a week at most and I havenā€™t used it in months (for that reason), any betting is on the shop now. Iā€™ve the record of savings coming out every month anyway which is sorted and that plus rent/private pension will cover the mortgage repayments based on what Iā€™ll be looking for without her income added.

As I said and most here agree itā€™s a bit left of field and wanted confirmation. If you ask me seeing a pub on the statement looks better than couple hundred coming out of the wall and shoving it up your nose

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Banty McEnaney was saying back during the crash that any lad who had a paddy power account had their mortgage application put straight in the shredder.

Banty talks out of his hole.

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He doesnā€™t you know. Happened the neighbour here last year. Has an account with one of the betting crowd. He bets fuck all. A couple of euro here and there. He was changing the car last year and was refused finance based on the mere fact he had an account. He got it sorted in the end but cost him a lot of hassle

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FAO @Bandage

Got a Certificate of Loan Interest paid from the bank the other day. We drew down the mortgage in 2017. Do I need to do anything or can I claim anything from this?

Do you not get one every year?
We used to get one for the TRS, but Iā€™m not sure if thatā€™s still a thing.

I think they can also be used for your tax return if youā€™re renting out the house and can claim relief on the interest paid

You used to be able to claim a bit of mortgage interest relief with it but thatā€™s gone the way of the dodo now.

Thatā€™s rubbish mike

The car finance is done almost completely automated. If you have a clean credit record with no bounced DDs it will be approved assuming income is OK. They do fuck all checks over and above that


Maybe it is. All I can tell you is that he told me he got hassle over it. Anyway its something that will never bother me. I have plenty of vices. Thankfully this isnā€™t one of them.

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Iā€™d say youā€™d get more car finance fucked at you if they knew you were gambling :joy:


I donā€™t know pal, Iā€™m sorry.

Im going to switch mortgages very soon. Initial 3 yr up in june. Mortgage brokers lads. Talk to me. Are they all the same? Do some of them have better deals than others? Are Haven safe and reliable as a provider?

Would you not approach the banks directly yourself first and then see what a broker can get you?

I know a good one. Heā€™s crooked as fuck.


Weā€™re with Haven. Just checked there and the roof is still over my head.

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Sure they are giving you money. Are you worried theyā€™ll forget to take it back?

Avant and ICS are the cheapest at the minute. One of them I think ICS you have to use a broker, but only specific ones. Avant you have to go direct

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Some providers are broker only i think. Also presume that banks might have decent relationships with some brokers and be more likely to have cashback offers etc.

No. Im worried theyā€™ll fold and sell my mortgage to some investment fund who are dodgy.

I know one ā€˜bankā€™ / fund who have sold two shopping centres and bought over a thousand 3 and 4 bed semis on the quiet in the last 6 years in Dublin/Cork/Galway/Waterfordā€¦ they intend to keep buying.

The country is fucked.

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The broker wonā€™t impact whether your loan is bought or sold anyway