The ask Bandage about mortgages thread

That’s Kilkenny out then.


BOI is 1.9% if you have an A or B BER rated house.

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We’re a city, mate.

No potential I’d say, increases incoming

I’ve started making moves to look into a switch but to be honest I’m with AIB and would take your hand off for that not to have to move elsewhere.

Not sure if you’ll qualify. Presume it’s new business. PTSB determined to fuck us if we stay with them…

I fired a query in to them there anyway.

I don’t quite understand what your situation is, they’re refusing to update the LTV? Even if you get a new valuation report?

Yes. It’s part of their open, principled policy.

Send a written complaint and then go to the financial services ombudsman?

Aside from that. It’s the basic service provider gamble that you wont be arsed to move. Theyve offered us 5 different options. All are above current repayments. All are over 80%ltv which we are below/well below. Rang them and they were having none of it.

Nothing to complain about. They’re well within their rights to try to shaft you if you agree to be shafted. It’s mind boggling the savings that can be made though.

[quote=“Locke, post:784, topic:23128, full:true”]
We’re a city, mate.

The klaxon sounded :slightly_smiling_face:

The ash-plank trailers are circling…

[quote=“flattythehurdler, post:793, topic:23128, full:true”]

Pulled by 250k tractors.

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Can you fire up a link or point to where you came across this? A quick look only threw me up a 2k offer for switching to AIB from another provider.

I can’t. It’s a direct offer from a broker who deals with AIB.

Oh. Do brokers in general have access to different or better deals than when you go to the bank directly?

It’s Haven rather than AIBb with that offer

It’s AIB offering us it mate. But fair enough deciding what our broker has offered us.


Ok mate take it easy he didn’t mean anything by it