The ask Bandage about mortgages thread

For the second time in my life (previously did this dance 11 years ago but didn’t pull the trigger) I got approval in principle yesterday. Just need to find a house now. Sure that shouldn’t be hard :thinking:


Tell me more … if you stay with same crowd you don’t have to involve solicitor?

Not if you are just changing rate surely?
What legals would need to be done? Your current provider will done all that as part of the inital mortgage process.


I was on a site not a million miles away from your current location for a big housing development going in. I’ll put in a word for you…



Correct literally just a change of rate

@Bisto changing rate with same provider can nearly be done over phone. If you’re changing to a different LTV band then you just need an up to date valuation of the property from a bank approved valuer. Will probably cost you 150 quid


Cheers :+1:

Lads, we’re still not sorted. Complicstions with my company resulting from covid etc…
So i have the following situation

1-keep bashing away at the prospect of a possible lower rate (3 or 4 months agi it was 2.35 with haven, who apparently are now taking over a month to make a decision followed by the 6 weeks or so it would take to change over.
2- take ptsb’s green 5 year fixed at 2.8. Immediately
3- Ptsb’s 7 year fixed at 3%

Am worried that as rates rise we’ll fall between the many and varied options and end up paying more

All opinions welcome, even @Thomas_Brady but particularly financial/internet nerd types. Cc @Bandage @Mac @Rocko @Julio_Geordio @TreatyStones @gilgamboa

Best of luck with this

Stunning part of the country

Can you apply with other low rate providers? Have as many moving as possible

The reason things are so slow in a nutshell mate. The four year 2.05% with PTSB not an option?

What is your ltv? The finance Ireland 10 year fixed at 2.9% will look decent in 6 months.

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Shit forgot yiu were in this are. Thanks. No. These are the options weve been given. Not sure why other than our original mortgage was over 80% ltv. Can i appeal for that? How fast will rates offered rise ? Have 30 days to accept these rates.

You are currently with PTSB? they skin existing business and the four year is for new customers. Two options, hold tight and pay the variable for a couple of months while you sort the Haven mortgage. You will get your cashback which will help. Once the valuation is done and loan pack generated the rate will be honoured. Haven are glacial at the moment. Worst outcome, you don’t get the mortgage with Haven and you just fix with PTSB, you are not stuck to 30 days. BOI not an option?

Inflation is not going away anytime soon. ECB will have no option but to increase rates. 7 years fixed at 3 percent gives your family certainty.


Cheers mate. We got a place sorted. Hopefully in by end of October


Loan to value is well under 80 % now. Application is weird because I’m self employed and my company was on ice during covid. Also my wage structure is unconventional so they keep asking for shit. Do you reckon those lower rates will still be available in 2months? Will everything not just go up half a percent in line with ecb?

Lovely stuff - congrats

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Yes with ptsb last 3 years since we bought. Switched to variable mid june as the 3 years ran out. Letter from ptsb i got this morning says only 30 days to accept.