The ask Bandage about mortgages thread

Rural types building an extension for an island and they crying and moaning and looking for handouts to support their lifestyle. You couldnā€™t make it up.

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I know it is, doesnā€™t need to be though.

God be with the days when you could ring Anglo of a Monday asking for ā‚¬2m and have ā‚¬5m in your bank account on the Wednesday with the paperwork to follow after*. Itā€™s no wonder we can get fuck all built in the country with the fuckactery

*Paperwork actually optional

Theyā€™ve no interest in making it easy to switch I suppose, a double edged sword for them. Youā€™d think Avant would be different alright

So in one you have the reason the whole thing is fucked.

If you get proper advice you should only need to go to one lender for your mortgage.

Sure what advice do you need only look for the best rate. The problem is when they take 3 months to process it, they might not be the best one anymore

The rate is not the be all and end all, cashback, can negate a rate and income/ ltv excpetions can also be a requirement.

Anyway, the point is, the reason we have such delays is due to multi propping of applications.

Did you not have to go through a broker for Avant?

The avant rate is gone now

Yes. 4 years ago.

I was single when I built the house and twas ā€˜tightā€™ in spots. Needed a larger living area, a larger utility/boot room and a bigger island. I went direct labour and did a 39m2 for around 55kā€¦ Lost 8 months of my life and there was plenty disruption but it was all worth it. :ok_hand:


That actually did. It was a massive tax swizz since closed down Iā€™d say

The UK soccer players were in many cases very hard done by. They were all advised by fairly high end advisors that it was both shrude, and absolutely legal, which, to my mind it was when they invested.
The inland revenue then decided that it was tax evasion rather than tax avoidance on what seemed pretty much like a whim, and went after them for the tax. Given swathes of them back then were young lads who had spent the lot on a gwagon full of Krystal, grey goose and hookers, thinking it would last forever, they got burned.


They asked me for umpteen pay slips and salary certs. I was underpaid one month due to a HR issue but it was paid in the following month. They wanted a letter from HR explaining the irregularity.

FAO Financial Eagles

KBCā€™s ā€˜Breakage Feeā€™ Formula includes the difference between the ā€˜fixing rateā€™ at the time the time period was set and the current ā€˜fixing rateā€™.

Is the ā€˜fixing rateā€™ = the fixed interest rate?

Or is it the aprc?

Or is it something different

Can you lock in a mortgage rate ahead of final actual drawdown? For example at final letter of offer stage? Or does it depend on bank or who you are dealing with?

Drawdown locks it in.

Iā€™m currently self-building and am in a race vs rate hike announcements.
Iā€™m waiting on my first drawdown to lock in my rate for 5 years. Could be worth ā‚¬100pm to me over the first 5 years.


Best of luck with it mate.


I used the PTSB formula to calculate my break fee cost as a couple of k but when I rang up they told me it was actually zero :man_shrugging:

Thereā€™s folk on the mainland paying 20k to re-mortgage according to the times, whether or not you believe that.

Race has ended victoriously. (Relatively speaking)

Locked in for 5 years.