The Ask Niall Harbison Thread

New accounts for LD Lovin Dublin Ltd show that it recorded a profit of ā‚¬48,461 in 2016 and this followed a loss of ā‚¬112,103 in 2015. Numbers employed by the company increased by 50pc during the year, going from 10 to 15.

They seemed to be losing money well before 2015 , ā‚¬350k is there retained losses

Oā€™Neill bought his original 40% of the company for ā‚¬500k.

They must have had a savage 2017 for a valuation of 3m to be found.

Or Emmet goes to the same Corporate Finance advisors as his uncle.


If Iā€™m arsed I might look at the filings later to see how much Harbo actually invested in it.

Werenā€™t they working with volunteers bloggers for a while?

Accumulated losses donā€™t really matter here, we just need to find out how much Harbo put in and if he ever took a salary. Itā€™s not impossible he did take ā‚¬1m out between the first sale to Oā€™Neill and this sale.

ā‚¬1m less costs for four years work. Itā€™s not bad but thereā€™s plenty of people whoā€™d be making ā‚¬250k a year for pushing paper and going to meetings so itā€™s not exactly Collison brother territory either.


Easy now, @Brimmer_Bradley offers the taxpayer excellent value for money.

Harbo was never in it for the money mate. If he was heā€™d be in Silicon Valley making billions


He took little to none in salary. One year (2016) thereā€™s reported 30k in directors pay- not necessarily him.

Thereā€™s a loan from him there for 125k in 2014 and 2015, which isnā€™t reported in 2016 but creditors have increased substantially.

Over a hundred K or so was put in at the start.

Also a 3m valuation doesnā€™t necessarily mean he got 1m does it? As a minority shareholder youā€™d be discounted.

Yeah. This is a sad use of my lunch break but it looks like Harbo put in ā‚¬25k in equity and ā‚¬125k in the form of a loan. From what I can see his share of the equity was only 6% based on December 2016 numbers. Heā€™d been diluted by Oā€™Reilly, Heaslip and some other punters. Likewise canā€™t see that he paid himself anything either.

What fueled his lifestyle so?

He did well selling Simply Zeisty and wrote that amazing book.

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If he owned 6% of a company valued at 3m, he has got fuck all out of this and probably lost a lot of money after considering he didnā€™t take a wage.

Thatā€™s just my rough estimate. Overall it looks like ā‚¬418k was invested in the company via equity. From the filings I can see, Harbo only put ā‚¬25k of that in.

Letā€™s say he gets his 125k back off the top.

Whatā€™s 6% of 3m equity value at a minority discount? 60-100k?

Less than a hundred K profit after not taking salary for years.

Iā€™m guessing there was some debt for equity swap to get him up to a third during 2017.

300-500k back maybe? Itā€™s a profit after taking away his investment but not a whole lot after you consider salary.

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He also hadnā€™t that much behind him after his original ā€œbigā€ deal.

Harbison was one of several shareholders in Simply Zesty. In the book he states that he was due to receive ā‚¬546,780 cash after the UTV deal closed. ā€œI had ā‚¬400 in my bank account and a credit card that has 1,200 left before maxing out,ā€ he writes.

There was an earn-out of potentially up to 3.6m but it only realised 240k, of which he would only have received less than 50%.

Youā€™re not taking into account all the free burritos. You canā€™t put a price on that.


Presume this clown has family money behind him?

Another great day for the TFK Corporate Finance House.

Expect this to be a scoop in The Phoenix next weekend.

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He is very adept at getting around a grant form.

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