The Barclays Premier League 2015/16™

Meanwhile, in Serie A:

He was probably giddy about them a few weeks ago. Can someone dig up the posts?

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read the title of the video you dim wit :grinning:

It’s my thread and I’ll do whatever the fuck I want in it, thanks mate.


End statement

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A dark, dark day for LFC and in my view the wrong decision.

Sincere thanks to Brendan Rodgers for his efforts at the football club and best wishes for the future.

I would now like to see Kenny Dalglish return as permanent manager.

In all the fuss over Brendan and the Arsenal win I hope this volley from Harry Kane doesn’t get overlooked.

Difficult angle, dipping ball, probably easier with the other foot, easy to sky it wide.

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Extract from a Matthew Syed article in the Times:

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Jose lashing out at poor old Claudio.

Manchester United are 2-0 up at Everton (Setanta Sports 1). A tidy finish from Schneiderlin after Everton failed to clear a corner and a good header by Herrera from a Rojo cross after a nice move.

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Everton’s defence and goalkeeper. :laughing:

I thought Jagielka picked out Schneiderlin very well to be fair to him.

Everton were poor but that looks like United’s best lineup. For all his faults Jones is a better option than Blind and midfield that started is the best option available. If Rooney gets back into form there is s lot of goals in that side.

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Great to see City knock the edges off that Sterling chap, he might have a chance of being a player yet.

James McClean was winding up the Sunderland supporters at full time today. :laughing:


Who’s the West Brom player than puts his arm around McClean and gees the crowd up while escorting him from the field?

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Craig Gardner, he’s ex Sunderland too.


Craig Gardner? Another former Sunderland player

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Alright sort in my book.


Who started it, I thought it looked like Danny Graham but there’s no way that cunt could make it on the field surely?

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