The Barclays Premier League 2015/16™

I’m absolutely sick of hearing about Leicesters title win already. Every sort of a cunt on Facebook, Twitter and different radio stations congratulating them on their win.

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Its the single greatest sporting upset of all time. It would be like @Smark or @Bandage winning the London marathon.


They were 5000/1 to win it, pal. No one gave the tinker man a chance fom the start. Vardy is having a party. Chat shit get banged.

Limerick bottler unable to appreciate non bottling by Leicester shocker


Or @GeoffreyBoycott

Bar Kilmallock obviously, you’re a liverpool fan aren’t you?

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What did I bottle?

When TJ cropped you out of that photo - you bottled it big time.


What photo?

The Leicester City team bus pulled up outside the King Power earlier where they spotted this fella

So they stopped and picked him up

And off he goes

Like Hamilton accies and fergie

FAO of @Sidney, you are not alone…

Leicester will be relegated next year

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Agreed. The whole thing will turn sour very quickly. I’d say we don’t know a fraction of what’s gone on at Leicester.


While anything could indeed happen I’m content to enjoy it for now for what it is.

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What English football really is crying out for is a Man U title win.

That’s grand if you know what it is. I haven’t a clue what it is.

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A feel good story until proven otherwise. We live in a cynical cynical world…

We couldn’t even make it up.