The Batshit Crazy Internecine Temperature of the Forum

We’ll see in jurassic park 3



The golf seems to be driving a lot of people over the edge.

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It’ll do that Tbf

The coronavirus thread is getting predictable tonight. It needs @malarkey to come flying in and accuse @backinatracksuit to being descended from a long line of degenerates and dox his mother’s maiden name


You’d have to admit that @Malarkey has a terrific style when delivering a caustic observation.
An archive needs to be opened to collate the best of the forum’s visceral smackdowns.


A terrific idea. You should start one…the challenge of starting said archive/THREAD
might stave off dotage for another fortnight

I stopped reading the coronavirus thread around two weeks ago. Could somebody tell me the post number where fireworks kick off so I can pick it up from there?

Just go back 24 hours. Around this time yesterday evening it all kicked off. Or maybe around 9-10pm

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@peddlerscross has been moderating in your absence. Everythings fine


Your lack of respect for those who are your elders and betters is reprehensible.
I’ve stopped myself from addressing you with raft of visceral insulting phrases.
I’m merely affirming to myself mentally that you are, in fact, all those things.


You’re well fit for it, even if you are good for eff all else

Wednesday afternoon and it’s back on! :rofl: Someone call the men in white coats please!

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Fuck me its deep

Mcilroy in me bollox

Temperature rising……shots fired in Missing Members sector.


Who’s missing?

Remember to cc @Fran when you spot them.

Common sense

Michael Jackson Reaction GIF