The Batshit Crazy Internecine Temperature of the Forum

When JP tells the lads to get to work, they jump.

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Dry January has a lot to answer for

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There’s a few lads on here could do with a wife like John B Keane to force them back on the drink and stop annoying the parish.

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They’re clearly not able for lucid thought

From your sister’s knickers

That’s a bit dodgy lad.

See Herc, The Wire , season 2.


You simply never know where it’ll kick off on TFK

And never let it change.

Where is it kicking off? Isbthere anything i can do to help?

A little knowledge can be a dangerous thing, but a complete lack of awareness and and an inability to lie straight in the bed is even worse

The Ian Bailey thread

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Had a quick glance there. I’m knee deep in palace intrigues in kiev. There’s no way i can wrap my head round the du plantier case now, god rest her…
A superficial look at the case would suggest @BruidheanChaorthainn has taken ian’s place in the dock?

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I’m not sure who you are responding to here
Or what they are asking but can any reasonable person not see the media and the guards totally disgraced themselves in relation to the case?

I just haven’t followed it mate. My instincts tell me to jump in with both feet…flail around a bit, toss a few hand grenades etc. But id hate to cause any bother


Won’t somebody please think of the poetry and the pizza stall?

You honestly never never know.


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Does @Appendage have the Irish franchise for Veo? :thinking:

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I don’t.

The cloak descended overnight i see