The Batshit Crazy Internecine Temperature of the Forum

Fucking split season


How many people have been called paedophiles so far?


Go fuck yourself. But stay off rhe drink, of course.

The truth hurts.

They,. Got. Schooled.

As happens fpr exceedingly stupid and exceedingly nasty people.

Jesus you’re desperately mashing the keys there you bitter old alco fuck.

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Go slurp yourself.

The person with ‘alco’ worries , by your own account, is not me.

Now go fuck yourself.

Your sort of nose is really only of use to anteaters.

Leave @Mac out of this.


The lull inbetween Presidential debates is a dangerous period.


The GAA needs to have televised presidential debates.

Jarly Níos sinne nó Jarly Òg would wipe the floor with anyone they’d put in front of him.

Great to see lads not only avoiding backing down, but doubling down in the process. Fantastic Wednesday night posting.


A lad who can’t stop telling us how smart he is and how good looking he is… I think it’s clear who has the small mickey syndrome.

Do you think so? Bless…

Does amuse me, though, how the same group of fuckwits, including you, dance on my every word – if I deign to say anything.

Slán go foill.

Post up another picture of yourself there like a good monkey

Bizarre. We’ve had about four interactions in the entirety of your time on this forum. I avoid your drivel unless you come and abuse me as you did tonight. Not sure why you feel the need to challenge everyone but your assertions of supposed superiority are as hilarious as your delusions that lads are dying to hear what you think. Oíche mhaith.

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Here is why.

Again: go fuck yourself – right out the door.

You are a great pal of the sex pest jumped up prick of a lawyer from Galway. So be it.

Why do you keep saying he’s from Galway? Is TUM not the quintessential south dub? For good or ill

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I dont think real southsiders like bogball

Aspirational ones do

He is from Galway – in the sense Japanese knotweed is from Japan.

Cheers pal.

Maybe focus on the “sex pest” allegation rather than my family topography :joy:


Anybody with an ounce of sense or decency would consider your carry on tonight both nasty and bizarre.