The Batshit Crazy Internecine Temperature of the Forum

It’s my memory that Sid was grand until Trump/Brexit. Not sure if that’s accurate but it’s sad to see the way its gone

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The password will be handed down from generation to generation I’ve no doubt.


Yeah looks to be the case.

Most thought baiting Sadney, as the forum badger, was great craic. Well, it was not. This stuff was coming. If not today, next week or in October. He is deranged and you would not want to be a genius to see same.



Another buachaill dana


I think Sidney is a good person deep down. He’s under a lot pressure and I’d say it leads to him boiling over. Loads of people are under pressure I know but everyone reacts differently to pressure. We have to understand that. I’ve learned to log out instead of venting on here. I hope Over time people will forgive me. This place can be awful at times but wonderful at other times.


@mac should have stepped in sooner.

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Before it was one thread that was a no go area. Just a labyrinth of mind numbingly tedious streams of consciousness. I think it was the US politics one but just lately it seemed like every thread would descend into chaos. What I couldn’t get was the constant posting of some random left wing looney in Berkleys twitter posts as if it was some kind of world view and validate his hypothesis.

Another fine mess you got us into @Mac


I’d ban Mac for life.

I’m off to the safety of the motorbike forum.
Night all.

How deep are we talking? We must be talking benthic zone depths.

Listen I enjoy some of his ramblings particularly when he’d be discussing old games and that sort of thing. I’d say he’s not the worst fella to end up drinking a pint with. Good night ironmouth.

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What in the name of fuck did I miss?

I’d agree. And possibly the second pint. But then he’d start to say crazy shit. And then by pint 4/5 he’d pull out pictures of your female friends and start shouting things.


:joy::joy::joy: hope all is well juh.

Labane drove Sidney mad for a finish. Just wouldnt take the bait and had been the preeminent poster on the coronavirus. Sidney needed to find another target then and all hell broke loose. I can’t imagine what it would have been like on the 5th of November.

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You missed everything. It all. It was like the end of a box set. @sidney is @rocko. And then he turned into a bat… that infected the world… He wont be back.