The Batshit Crazy Internecine Temperature of the Forum

These hurling polls were just what we needed after a relatively quiet week or so.

Ronan Maher. :smile:


Tis Friday lads. Relax


It’s a would be championship weekend. Lads have to let it out somehow

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Very disappointing.

Not for 45 more minutes.

This is all your fault

The sobering reality is setting in that lads have to give up drinking for a living and go back to work.

There’ll be over ambitious artisan bakeries springing up everywhere now that lads have gotten notions about themselves


Having been hovering around 3 or 4 for a good few weeks we’re up to 6.6 and rising

Its getting hot out there

Ice creams and murders

Nice bit of niggle going on all day around here. After a few pink gins later on in the day, it’s looking good for a nice little barney between a few of yes later on

I feel the opposite, other than the Yanks spewing hate ‘n’ bile as usual, the 5/10km effort has brought a great sense of zen and togetherness to the forum.

TFK Automatic: South-West, calm, 4.5, stable.

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An odd little thread this, forever being bumped at the most innocuous times


Tame enough at the moment

Dead. Was teeing up nicely yesterday afternoon but died last night

Petered out. Lads passed out from sunstroke and their cheap piss Ales


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Always hope,no doubt some Limerick cunt will give the real capital a lash before the days done👍