The Batshit Crazy Internecine Temperature of the Forum

Looks like it finally broke today @myboyblue

What a film

D Fens

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Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in.



There’s lads genuinely giving a fuck on the man u thread. You literally couldn’t make it up.

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By God

Good golly Miss Molly

I get this reference now I’ve started the Sopranos


I started watching a few episodes again when you bumped the thread - where you at with it?

Coming to the end of season 1. I’d be further only the missus has insisted she looks at her phone and occasionally glances at it when I’m watching it so I can’t watch it on my own


Gets better each season…was still only finding it’s feet in season 1.

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I’ve to tell my missus to leave the phone outside in the Hall if she wants to watch a series with me. Luckily, she fucks off to the other room then most of the time

I can’t bring myself to wade through a thousand posts about Man U so I’ll have to give this one a pass unfortunately.

Ah do it’s very good

The pubs being kept closed is tipping a few lads over the edge.


match to the tinder box

giphy dvdv

tenor (35)

Have we a bit of action at last @myboyblue ?

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