The Batshit Crazy Internecine Temperature of the Forum

Zen has left the building

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What have I missed?

The fulvio relationship thread was showing a bit of promise but seems to have died a bit now

All seems to have quieted down now. It was looking promising there for a while

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Yeah. I’m a tad disappointed tbh.

The pubs thread is starting to liven up a bit

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Could you provide brief overview?

@carryharry thinks that any pub who won’t spend about 500k on a new kitchen to serve grub should just close now and stop whinging.

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€500k :smiley:

You go and build a kitchen area with all the trimmings and see how much change you’ll have out of that with all the regulations etc.You can’t just plug in a George foreman and away you go.

Actually you probably can.

And what do you do when you’re 15/20 regulars dont want food.And by the way you might get it done in Blighty for less but you get fuck all in oireland for that.If you had to build an extension and fit out an industrial kitchen it’d cost you an arm and a leg here.

Shocko has blown the forum up

The food thing is farcical. Window dressing is all that’s needed. Plate of cheese and crackers and two free pints for 12 euro. Job done.
Airline food.
You’d get things done a lot cheaper in blighty by and large, but Ireland is a far wealthier country imho outside the city of London.


That’s not what were talking about

I said nothing about €500k kitchens :smiley:

They can partner with the local chipper. surely a win win with extra business for the rural pub and the chipper?

That’s not allowed afaik

Surely the VFI have released a statement on the matter?

Plenty doing it here anyway