The Batshit Crazy Internecine Temperature of the Forum

What a gome


You need to cop on to yourself

We’re zen pal.

@myboyblue having a mental breakdown

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I’m glad I missed that.

He isn’t handling the end of lock down well

Yerra, there’s lads who live for a bitta drama.

They’d be the lads with the best stories to tell the grandkids

Yerra, they’d be more the watchers than the participants.

Looking very promising

you’re a gossipy aul yoke all the same

Gossip? I was just thinking about the palpable sense of seethe, homosexual panic and fear that seems to characterise @iron_mike’s posts.
Something’s up with the guy.

Fuck off you queer cunt


Oh it’s on now. A lovely little powder keg. I’m off for a cycle. One of the other lads will check in later.

Jaysus Mike. That’s like bringing a shotgun to a pillow fight

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Hammer the hammer kid. If you’re not winning, you’re losing

What thread are we talking about here?

She’s bubbling lads

Nice bit of venom around

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