The Batshit Crazy Internecine Temperature of the Forum

Lads are rattled. It’ll be a good one.

Tensions are high

It’s more the simmering resentment and smouldering hatred that I’m worried about. I’ve had minor alterations with @Tank, @backinatracksuit and @Lazarus over the past few weeks. I think I’m ok with tracksuit but I’m uncomfortable with the bad feeling from the other two.

•and @ChairmanDan

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I’m surprised at @Malarkey tbh

NOGRA have lost it


Nogra have a few stoney fields and damn all else

I don’t have any bad feelings towards you mate.

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Today could be a day for the ages.

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The game should be brought forward. The centre cannot hold much longer I fear.


There’s a showdering contest about to break out here any minute

Shouldering in a shower?

Anything is possible from the Munster gilet wearing sunglasses on the head curry chip ating keeping it raw lads.

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Shouldering in a shower while eating chowder.


Mouse is on the verge of a meltdown in the pm group trying to keep the troops in order :sweat_smile:

I left that over a year ago ffs :roll_eyes:

He’s having an awful job trying to get @EstebanSexface to keep his clothes on and to stop flashing his langer.


I knew I’d find it and finally did. If you lads think this place is batshit crazy then you have lessons to learn.

This from a now dead forum and just a token of batshit craziness:




[quote]One of my kids wants to attend Trinity College in Dublin. Since she will not graduate from high school for another two years, there is time to consider the pros and cons. However, she is quite serious and is already communicating with the college and preparing to meet the admission requirements. Sooooo…
Question No. 1: How good a school is Trinity these days? It used to be known as the college for Ascendancy and West Brit types, but I have heard that it now has more Catholic than Protestant students. This does not preclude a West Brit orientation, but could be a sign that the old negative stereotype is no longer true. I admit to some prejudice against Trinity, but this is based on its history and may not be accurate anymore.
Question No. 2: Would a kid from the family attending Trinity in the “free” south be considered an oathbreaker? There is a split of opinion in the family as to whether going to the south constitutes oathbreaking or not. We have had some family members go to the south (myself included even though I have been a hardliner most of the time), but usually on business and for short periods. The concensus here is that sending a kid from the family to go to college in Dublin is inviting oathbreaking since the old clan lands in the north would be so close. Since I would be paying for this, in the end the decision is mine.
For those newbies who have no clue what I am talking about, ignore this thread. It is complicated.[/quote]



[quoteThanks for the comments.
The “complicated” part is that we (my side of the family) are from the north. When we left in the 1800s as the last remaining members of an ancient Ulster family that had been virtually exterminated, there was an oath made never to return until Ireland was free. The family has kept the oath notwithstanding a strong Irish collective psyche (if you view visits to the “free” south as allowable). I like the idea that one of my daughters wants to strengthen and develop her Irish roots while hopefully getting a good education. My misgivings have to do with Trinity’s infamous past and the proximity of the north which will be a magnet.
Two years is a long time for a teen. We shall see.[/quote]

Let’s just say there’s a lot to unpack there and leave it at that.
Many years ago, in Lavery’s I fell in with this unbelievable looking lassie from west Belfast. She took me back to a flat in India st where we got down to business on a huge sofa in this massive cold living room. You’ve probably been in thise houses, bay windows, marble fireplaces and doric(?) door frames. I had her well togged out and we were heading for the bedroom when her sister arrived, a fine looking woman in her own right but she was a dreadful goth. For some reason she decided we both needed to hear her read from her doctorate thesis about the human rughts abuses of the ruc. I didn’t want to rock the boat so sat beside her sister and listened to her recount interviews with Republican inmates about their torture in castlereagh. None of it was pleasant but there was a bit about an anus and a bic pen that shut the door on any possible amorousness that was likely to happen between myself and the sister. I saw myself out.


The Spanish stuff or Pernod, Ouzo, Zambuca?

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I fixed it. You wouldn’t want to be getting mixed up with that sort of thing.

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Wonderful description. You’d forget the uncomfortable nature of the encounters with women back in the day. Cold houses, small beds, shared rooms etc… That and the absolute challenge of unravelling years of Catholic guilt.