The Batshit Crazy Internecine Temperature of the Forum

My mother is a black proud Tyrone woman as is my other mother

Lads are just fighting now for the sake of it.

Lads threatening violence now.
They might even be serious too.

I think they are. One fella will pull out his Mickey and bate all comers to death with it.


And you’re married to a lad from tipp

And he has 17 fingers :man_shrugging:

Has he tried shoving…

His 4 thumbs got in the way

You owe me 2 grand

We should have a professional on hand for nights like this. Lads are on the brink here

The mickeys are being prepped

Wives will be waking up to appalling scenes tomorrow

Do I really want to know? :thinking:

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Can you close the eyes not knowing?

She’s cooking nicely

tenor (54)

Lads are losing hope here.

It’s always darkest before the dawn

giphy (16)

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