The Batshit Crazy Internecine Temperature of the Forum

you can forget about your pub and you can forget about your fucking dawn

Zen brother

And you can forget him and all.

You can be saved

Today’s the day you’d feel

A grand full moon tonight

Lovely out. Grand walking weather.

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Even a frail, suffering but recovering Jordan Peterson can still send the woke lads into a frenzy.

Seems grand out there today

You need to up your game @myboyblue . I had to spend the day super spreading around Carlow and Wexford ensuring ye lazy cunts could stay wfh for as long as possible. What did you let happen on the Jordan Peterson thread?

Oh I’ve that muted. Should I wander in?

Have you the dinner ate?

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Staying up late to watch the Super Bowl with all the sugary treats has lads edgy as fcuk now…


Like Bould children

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Bubbling nicely …Coronavirus thread is the gift that keeps on giving …as a community we’d need to have a serious think about whether we really want this pandemic to end …

I haven’t read that thread with any great intent in around 3 months apart from posts where Gonzo (@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy) tags me in. What’s the current state of play in it?

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It’s a royal rumble over there …There’s so many subplots …lads are laying into each other …even the cork lads are turning on each other …

Some lads on here just love drama

The usual lads are still at it. You’d have to admire their stamina.

You’re being slagged off in it by lads who know you don’t read it so know they’re safe.