The Batshit Crazy Internecine Temperature of the Forum

Nonsense. We are merely reflecting on the inanity of international sport, if the people representing the country are paid to come in from abroad. Dinny may as well just pay the all blacks to play for Ireland en masse, and brida, Nora and yourself can wet your pants over them beating the Welch or somesuch. Would you be as fond of your club if they brought in a load of hurlers from elsewhere just to try and win a championship?
It makes it meaningless to me at least. You play with what you have, or what is the point?
Any such argument was met by rubbyflakes with “but but seejay is Irish. He’s settled here with his family”
Now that that argument has been shown for the speciousness it always was, they snowflake like squeal “racism”. Idiots.
Davos and “CJ” are welcome to come and ply their trade. They should not be picked to play for Ireland just so a few IFSC types can somehow contrive to feel better about themselves after a good long underpant sniff.
International sport is Irish folk Vs folk from other countries, or it isn’t. There’s no point to it if it isn’t, it should just be changed to a draft system and have done with the pretence.


Shur the fai were at it for years and we all loved it

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I wasn’t mad gone on it. I’ve been fairly consistent on this apart from where necessary.

They had one or more Irish grannies though.


On that basis, I’ll accept your point gracefully

What’s the May one mate?

St Mark’s basilica in the Guineas

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All of the northern hemisphere teams are in thrall to SA, NZ and Ozzie influence, from top to bottom. Not really realistic to think Oireland would go off on a solo pure-bred mandate.

It’s hilarious that Stander is such a lightning rod, he is far from the worst case of a project player. Whatever you think of his limitations, he always put in an effort

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Tough few days for the establishment shills with the Tanaiste facing criminal charges and a South African smugby player retiring.


Stander is a very nice chap as well, he came to our school with another South African fella a couple of years ago( a Centre, I forget his name), while he was there one of the kids got a terrible arm injury, it got caught in a fence and he ripped a good chunk off it, Stander and the other fella were brilliant, stayed much longer than they were supposed to and put the young lad at ease, even had him laughing with a few (inappropriate) comments about the chicks loving an injury

Jako Taute was the other fella


We’re they on pricework or day work?

Why thank you.

Between them?

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Which is, once again, entirely beside the point, but you belt away.

Not that anyone brought up matters besides the point already

Take care of yourselves, and each other

Would you not put your arm around your man ffs.

He looks upto you like a God.


You need to relax

All you boys ready to be grown ups again today?

I was actually taken aback this morning to read some remarks aimed at myself and another poor innocent poster who was attacked for absolutely nothing.