The Batshit Crazy Internecine Temperature of the Forum

Temperature rising

potato beef GIF

@backinatracksuit is a genius …one loose comment has blown the roof clean off the forum …:rofl:

@ironmoth is a some sniper all the same

@Heyyoubehindthebushes turned the heat up via a simple bump to the “Teachers” thread.

Admitting to being stage 5 rattled is a tremendous double ball hop game changer

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Is it worth unmuting?

Oh aye! @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy, triggered by @Heyyoubehindthebushes, is battling away on half a dozen different fronts.

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He’s a furious internetter. We’re lucky to have him here.


Covid tread is hot enough with out people’s opinions on civil servants pay and conditions.

You’re the boy started it! :rofl:

It’s of some interest…but not worth wading through the undergrowth. Basically a lad on full pay and 3 months holidays after a handy year had an arguably cheap pop off a working man, a working man who is being poorly served by his government. The lad received a rebuke and had a fit of pique…indeed he admitted to being raging at not only the injustice of the rebuke but also the cheap likes which he predicted the rebuke would receive. In fairness he redeemed the situation by appealing for sympathy, and deftly repositioned himself, not the working man as the real victim in the situation.
If ever there was a lad cut out for political life its tracksuit


Yep, I got all of that on the Corona thread, I just didnt see the point of unmuting the teacher thread for more of the same, I’m a very busy man obviously and haven’t time for such things.

Wise man. The Corona thread was bad enough…dont think I looked at the teacher thread, sure what’s left to say?

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I love it when a plan comes together


@Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy is a serious internetter. He’s full value for the money.


He’s deadly. He once made a holy show of himself arguing that the utter failure of any Tyrone side to compete at provincial or all Ireland level was a sign of the strength of Tyrone club football. Other than that I cant think of a single instance when he lost an argument on the internet…maybe that was @Cicero_Dandi though?

He’s great value but Covid has done irreparable damage to the latest rebrand.


Ah now mike. You’re a dear friend and a respected internetter, but you’ve had a terrible pandemic. You’d admit that yourself surely?


Getting @Tim_Riggins and @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy to forge an alliance against me has to be up there as one of the greatest internet achievements ever.