The Batshit Crazy Internecine Temperature of the Forum

Like Bono raising the arms of Trimble and Hume aloft and declaring peace.


Always has been in fairness. Probably the most street/interweb wise member of the forum

He an earnest debater.

Half past midnight and its threatening to simmer again

McGregor, football, hurling, corona, and England. Throw in some drink and lads who can’t hold their drink

Could be a stellar 24 hours for the forum.

You forgot something



Yes, Ian Bailey now posting.


Derry. You forgot Derry.

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It’s Londonderry.

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Ye don’t come under football anymore?

Only if you’re a godless hun… or a republican from Tyrone


Shite neither does anyone other than dublin if you want to be like that about it

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All the craziness has gone. It’s just a real slug fest now

Sid won’t be able to stick this - Malarkey and Mike maybe, Fulvio definitely but Sid no way.

He’ll last for another 2 months or so, then there’ll be an incident - maybe not a covid incident but something political and “culture wars”-y to push him over the edge. He’ll do something crazy and get banned again by Christmas.

I thought Sid was banned?

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Jaysus lads fierce hot out there.

tenor (61)

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