The Batshit Crazy Internecine Temperature of the Forum

Pulling Korean Drama GIF by The Swoon

A real naughtiness about the forum this morn…the shared outpouring of goodwill from @bandage s scorched earth triumph under the wizardry of @fenwaypark has long gone …pick a thread , any thread …it’s kicking off everywhere …

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macbully reappeared after a long hiatus


A great start to the week


Remarkably The veil has slipped beneath the hooked nose …

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It’s all kicking off like O’Macron.

It’s shaping up to be the best Monday ever.


cyber (warfare) monday

Manic Mac Monday…… woah…. Wish it was funday

The kindness deathmatch between @flattythehurdler and @glasagusban is intriguing.


Jordan Peterson is always good for driving the usual suspects doolally.

Whos he again and whats his username?

Former South African rugby International, plays centre/wing.

So its @Fucko ?

Yeah, one of the multiple aliases of @padjo

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bubbling up nicely like a lobster in the pot

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Peterson is the touchpaper on tfk

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Kids often throw tantrums when told to tidy their room

Where’s this now?

jordan peterson thread