The Batshit Crazy Internecine Temperature of the Forum

Oh I’ve that on mute. Worth unmuting it? Who we talking about here

the usual posters, but on steroids

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woke Gemma and Jim and Hurling Gemma have lost their collective shit because Jordan Peterson is doing a gig in Dublin next year that a few of us are heading along to


How much did that set you back?

We got complimentary tickets as founders of the cult in Dublin.

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Did you have to register for that?

How much would a ticket be for a non founder?

I believe there is another register that’s used for that.


lift off space GIF by US National Archives


It’s hard to know where to look mike. I’m trying to calm things down as best I can, there’s only so much one man can do though…regardless of how many medals he won when still but a tender youth of a mere fifteen summers


You won a medal in a real sport?

Please. I hate talking about it

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where mate?

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Covid thread. As usual.

muted… no good will come of it

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who’s winning now? Surely one side has conceded and we have full agreement on the board. Plenty of new arguments also I’d imagine on both sides?